
Elected councilors take office in the first quarter of 2016


ABES announced the names of the elected councilors through a vote coordinated by the entity, on the 26th of November, for the renewal of 1/3 of its Deliberative Council. The elected candidates will be sworn in at a meeting of the Deliberative Council to be held until the last business day of the first quarter of 2016, in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 37 of the Bylaws.
In order of the most voted, those elected were: Jorge Sukarie Neto, Gerson Maurício Schmitt, Carlos Alberto Sacco, Paulo Milliet Roque, Francisco José Arruda Camargo, Vanda Scartezini, José Mauricio Neves Rey, Fabio Rua, Onivaldo Roncatti and Richard Freund.
All information about the election is gathered in the special area of the portal 2015 elections.


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