

Elected directors take office in the first quarter of 2015


ABES announces the names of the elected councilors through a vote coordinated by the entity, on November 28, for its Deliberative Council. The elected candidates will be installed at a meeting of the Deliberative Council to be held until the last business day of the first quarter of 2015, in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 37 of the Bylaws.
By order of the most voted, the elected were: Benjamin Quadros, Rodolfo Fucher, Neide da Silva Leite, Lauro de Lauro, Moyses Levy Liberbaun, Antonio Eduardo M. Silva, José de Miranda Dias, Ricardo de Figueiredo Caldas, Sergio Boacnin, Claudio Nastasi .
All information about the election is gathered in the special area of the portal Elections 2014.

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