
Today (9/08) IBLISS and ABES hosted a free webinar for members to meet the growing demand for information on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In his presentation, Matheus Vanzella, IBLISS engagement manager, highlighted the importance for software developers of establishing a Secure Development Cycle (SDLC). “It's a way of working in the company's development chain in a safe way. For this, there must be an information security professional, to dictate the requirements and what needs to be done in the event of an incident”, he explained. 

Vanzella highlighted the main factors that justify the adoption of the Safe Development Cycle (SDLC) and continuous improvement, consisting of several stages, including: identifying the current stage of the company, defining controls and governance, protecting access, establishing how the management will be vulnerabilities and incidents, carry out all documentation, training and review of processes. For the GDPR rules, all the documentation part, in addition to the clarity of responsibilities, makes a difference in case of data leakage.

Check out some steps in this cycle:

– Integrate leaders, managers and analysts regarding the need for security and privacy by design;
– Classify the information worked in the system;
– Assess the system's risk points;
– Define security requirements;
– Control changes and versions;
– Assess weaknesses in external components;
– Perform tests on source code and on the compiled system;
– Monitor continuously.

The webinar also had the participation of Flávio Shiga, partner responsible for the Portugal branch of IBLISS, who described how the issue of data security has been handled by the consultancy's clients under the GDPR rules. "There are several types of customers, each with different demands, but the same objective to protect sensitive data."

To check the presentation, click here.

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