Promotion for companies and workers affected by floods in RS
1. Financing Line via BNDES:
    • Amount: R$ 15 billion.
    • objective: Support the economic recovery of companies in Rio Grande do Sul.
    • Conditions: Reduced interest rates and extended terms.
    • Access: Financial institutions accredited by BNDES, including commercial banks, credit cooperatives and development agencies.
    • Source: Ministry of Finance (Services and Information from Brazil).
2. Pronampe for Cooperatives:
    • Amount: Part of the extraordinary credit of R$ 4.5 billion.
    • objective: Facilitate access to credit for small and medium-sized companies, including cooperatives.
    • Conditions: Competitive interest rates and guarantees by the Operations Guarantee Fund (FGO).
    • Access: Banks participating in Pronampe.
    • Source: Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Finance (Services and Information from Brazil).
3. BNDES Solidarity Credit Program:
    • Amount: R$ 1 billion.
    • objective: Assist rural producers, MEIs, micro, small and medium-sized companies.
    • Conditions: Zero interest (corrected by IPCA), payment term of up to 60 months with a 24-month grace period.
    • Access: Financial institutions accredited by BNDES.
    • Source: BNDES.
4. Financial Assistance to Workers:
    • Benefit: Payment of two installments of the minimum wage (R$ 1,412.00) for formal workers, domestic workers, interns and artisanal fishermen.
    • Conditions: Companies need to join the program and keep workers employed for at least four months.
    • Access: Through companies joining the program.
    • Source: Ministry of Labor and Employment (Services and Information from Brazil).
5. Suspension of FGTS Collection:
    • objective: Relieve companies' cash flow.
    • Conditions: Suspension of FGTS collection for four months.
    • Access: Automatically available to businesses in affected areas.
    • Source: Ministry of Labor and Employment (Services and Information from Brazil).
6. FGTS Calamity Withdrawal and Salary Allowance Advance:
    • Amount: More than R$ 1.4 billion for calamity withdrawal and R$ 792 million for advance salary bonus.
    • objective: Provide financial assistance to affected workers.
    • Conditions: According to specific regulations for disasters.
    • Access: Through Caixa Econômica Federal branches.
    • Source: Ministry of Labor and Employment (Services and Information from Brazil).