
*By Pedro Oliveira

Expanding business possibilities is always an easier path for companies that process their information with technology. The logic also applies to financial products and services, a topic that has been seen as an opportunity by corporations in Brazil and around the world.

Given the scenario, companies that use a robust ERP platform come out ahead, which can have its scope expanded to offer financial products and services. This is what the market calls ERP Banking, a solution capable of speeding up the credit granting process by allowing the intelligent management of information, such as financial and registration data, history of relationships with other organizations, information on restrictions and debts.

Another difference is that technology allows companies to predict opportunities, and thus devise strategies to generate business. For example, you can find out when a business will need an increase in cash flow or even design tailored lines of credit for certain profiles. The possibilities are many and always supported by secure and strategic data in an unbureaucratic way.

Check out some reasons that explain how ERP Banking can boost business: 

Uncomplicated credit granting: Traditionally, before granting credit to a company, financial institutions evaluate the entire financial health of the business, following a time-consuming and thorough process, which involves analyzing documentation and certificates. This is a bureaucratic flow, susceptible to human error and missed deadlines, which can last weeks. With an ERP Banking all information related to companies, such as purchase history, payments and other data can be accessed in real time, allowing decision-making on granting credit to happen in an automated way. This is because credit risk analysis uses algorithms and models to assess customers' ability to pay based on their financial histories. This reduces the need for time-consuming manual processes while improving assessment accuracy.

Minor default: In addition to speeding up credit granting, ERP Banking can also improve the collection process, reducing possible defaults, and anticipating possible scenarios that generate financial losses. The platform allows you to set up automatic reminders for late payments and the generation of electronic invoices, in addition to simplifying tracking customers' payment history.

More operational efficiency: By integrating all operations and information into a single system, ERP Banking helps eliminate redundant tasks and simplify processes. This frees up time and resources for employees to focus on strategic activities that can drive business growth.

Closer relationship with companies: By offering companies credit solutions that are more aligned with their needs and with less bureaucracy, ERP Banking promotes greater bonds and simplifies the routine, since the user will not need to look for other platforms or banking institutions.

To know more!

The acronym ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) can be translated as Enterprise Resource Planning. An ERP system is business management software that integrates and automates a series of processes that were previously done manually. With an ERP, companies store, update and analyze data in a safe and efficient way, adding more strategy, organization and competitiveness to the business. ERP also organizes the flow of information between departments, dealing with financial control, supply management, human resources, customer relations, all in one system. ERP Banking includes financial services and products to the ERP system, expanding business possibilities.

*Pedro Oliveira, Head of ERP Product at Senior Sistemas

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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