
Nowadays, our most precious asset is time. We are constantly striving to do more with less resources, with less time. We seek effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, excellent results.
For this, we often eat badly, become sedentary, abandon dreams and forget to take care of the main machine that allows all this to happen: our body!
When it starts to fail, we run to the doctor or the nearest pharmacy and self-medicate, don't we ?!
And if I tell you that there is a medicine, without a contraindication, that can improve your mood, your attention, that can prevent a myocardial infarction, a brain disease like Alzheimer's, can improve the symptoms of depression, anxiety.
This remedy is called meditation.
When you turn to yourself, you begin to understand the real needs of your body, pay attention to what really matters so that it continues to function in perfect condition; the benefits become innumerable! So much so that at Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge, there are study centers for meditation.
I imagine you're thinking this is a waste of time. Believe me, it is not. At first it may seem dull, difficult to practice. However, when you persist, you will notice that your thoughts will become more serene and focused, that your decisions will be more correct and that the results will be positive, in general.
Nowadays, we have thousands of people who started to manage companies on their own, doing everything and having little time to take care of themselves. And this is no different for those who work in large companies.
Burnout will not be long in coming for these people. But the practice of meditation, of listening to yourself, can greatly minimize the burden of everyday life. It helps us to stay focused, using several techniques for this.
Companies around the world have been paying more attention to this tool, which has been in use for hundreds of years. With the advent of technology, the level of information anxiety leads thousands of people to stress levels that can become chronic diseases.
Through scientific studies, it has been proven that actions, such as meditation, have been the cure for many ills, including stress.
This practice has been adopted, in the western world, in several schools, at an early age, in order to create this culture in the little ones, so that it becomes a habit for life.
If you have noticed that your breathing is always short, that you cannot find answers to your questions, that you always want to “let the dogs out” on someone, stop, breathe, focus on any object and try to abstract your thoughts from around you; empty your mind.
It is not as simple a practice as blinking your eyes, but the results are as beneficial as admiring a smile. Thousands of cells are bombarded by the feeling of peace, comfort; oxygen circulates better through the body and the end result is a feeling of fullness.
If you haven't stopped to meditate today, I suggest you do so. Start with 10 minutes. Even if your mind wanders, bring it back to its purpose. This is one of the reasons why your focus improves!
If you don't believe it, just try it, after all, you won't lose anything with it! What are 10 minutes before a lifetime?

The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies.

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