
The growing concern with the security of the applications and the computer network used by companies led Seal Sistemas - leader in the mobile computing and automatic data capture sector - to enter into a new partnership with Resh Cyber Defense, a Brazilian company specialized in offering solutions for all types of cyber threats, with a focus on data protection. The objective is to include in its service portfolio the offer of a digital security certification, dedicated to cyber defense and business compliance in segments such as retail, logistics and industry.

With this movement, Seal Sistemas continues to achieve important advances in expanding its portfolio of solutions for the entire supply chain, now also addressing strategic issues such as digital security and the adequacy of the market to the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13.709, also known by the acronym LGPD), in force since August 2020.

“The topic of digital security is growing very fast, also because of the LGPD and the concern with protecting strategic information for business. This is an increasingly frequent challenge in the daily lives of customers, for whose solution we now have a partner as qualified and strategic as Resh Cyber Defense ”, says Wagner Bernardes, CEO of Seal Sistemas. 


Resh Cyber Defense is a company dedicated to Pentest certification (acronym for “Penetration Testing”, or intrusion tests). It is a digital seal that validates whether the web application, network infrastructure or mobile application is safe or has any vulnerability in the face of possible external attacks. The certification of all protections is valid for 12 months and is done through a cloud-based software.

Regarding compliance, which covers the LGPD, Resh Cyber Defense conducts a detailed technical analysis of the various areas of organizations from a technological and legal point of view every six months, including the documentary part of the software used. The aim is to ensure the implementation of all actions necessary to ensure compliance with Brazilian data protection law.

The company also assists in the creation of a data privacy committee within companies - the first step in the process that results in the granting of the seal that certifies compliance with the LGPD. 

Protection against vulnerabilities

"With the entry into force of the LGPD, it is essential that companies prove that they are always working towards resolving vulnerabilities, following the 'accountability' principle of the new legislation," says Erik Mattfieldt, head of sales at Resh Cyber Defense.

From this new partnership, Seal Sistemas intends that most of the software in its portfolio will be adhering to security certifications soon. The first joint initiative was the incorporation of a digital seal to the Skip the Line  - a newly launched technology that helps to avoid queues and crowds in various commercial establishments, such as shops, supermarkets, bars and restaurants.

The idea is to put the “privacy by design” concept into practice for the entire range of Seal Sistemas solutions - which guarantees the privacy of customer and user data from the application development stage. 

Seal Networks

The partnership with Resh is part of the strategy of Seal Networks business unit, whose focus is on offering smart grid solutions. “The objective of this area is to redefine software-based networks and help customers develop better connections and experiences, with centralized visibility and control of the end-to-end corporate network resources. The incorporation of digital security certification adds advanced data protection features to this portfolio ”, explains Ruy Castro, Commercial Director of Seal Sistemas and Head of the Seal Networks business unit.

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