
By Daniel Hoe, Salesforce Marketing Director for Latin America


Artificial Intelligence is transforming the business model and companies that want to keep up to date need to pay attention to this technology. Do you already know everything about AI? What is the lie in the list below?
1. The term Artificial Intelligence was coined by university professor John McCarthy and made public at a Dartmouth College academic conference held in 1956 (The Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence).
2. If you're shopping on Amazon, watching Netflix, or using Apple's Siri, you're already using Artificial Intelligence.
3. AI is still the stuff of science fiction movies and is far from becoming a reality for everyday people.
4. Through image recognition, Artificial Intelligence can detect stock levels, analyze consumption trends and suggest products based on customer preferences.
5. With AI you can build a self-driving car in your garage, compose Jazz with an algorithm or connect your CRM to your Inbox to know which emails are priority.
6. The main Artificial Intelligence techniques are Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Predictive Modeling.
7. In the next 10 years, every application will incorporate some level of AI.
8. Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing business in areas such as sales, customer service, operations and digital marketing.
9. AI can help small and medium-sized businesses acquire new customers by identifying and prioritizing opportunities that are more likely to close deals.
10. Customer journey steps can be executed seamlessly with structured data provided by Artificial Intelligence.
My tip for you who are interested in knowing more about this subject is the e-book Artificial Intelligence for CRM.

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