In an economic and social context marked by rapid changes and increasing competitiveness, companies are challenged to expand their capacity to generate and implement innovations – whether incremental or radical. The challenge is even greater for small and medium-sized companies, which still do not have a culture of innovation that allows them to transform products, services, internal processes and even organizational management.

On this topic, Prof. Luís Fernando Guedes, PhD in Business Administration, a professional with more than 15 years of experience in the technology sector and who is a member of the FIA faculty, emphasizes that small business owners are “pressed by circumstances, as their focus ends up being the short term.” . As the entrepreneur normally works with a low profit margin, it is necessary to have a high volume of sales. In this way, he is almost always very preoccupied with today. But this is an obstacle that needs to be overcome, because all companies need to innovate so they don't fall behind and disappear”.
To help SME managers, the ABES portal interviewed the specialist and highlights 6 tips to implement a culture of innovation in organizations:

1)    Train for innovation
It is extremely important that leaders acquire new skills and knowledge, especially the owner of the company, as he will provide all the support and guidance. However, the least effective way, according to the expert, is through empiricism, trial and error without a plan. A second path is reading books and participating in events and lectures. But, according to Guedes, holding formal courses on innovation makes it possible to accelerate the learning curve. “There are good courses, via the internet and in person, including free ones. The entrepreneur will need to dedicate time and energy to do this, but it will be worth it.”

2)    encourage communication
The more people communicate, the dialogue is improved and people talk about the weak points and the ideas that come up. The manager can create a virtual space for people to communicate, taking advantage of new information technologies and leaders also need to be open to listen to their employees.

3)    Hire hearts and minds
Relying only on the workforce of employees is not enough. It is necessary to achieve an emotional connection with the people who make up the team, so that they have the will to make a difference. If the group is unmotivated, it is essential to reverse the situation.

4)    Have a good management team
Typically, it is managers at the first level who establish dialogue with employees on a day-to-day basis. When a person has a weak relationship with his or her immediate boss, activities do not move towards excellence. A management sergeant style no longer works these days. Leadership plays a key role in the culture of innovation, a process normally led by the owner. 

5)     Organize efforts around a specific problem to be solved
Managers who have a strategic vision know what the company's weaknesses are and the aspects in which the competition differs. In this way, it is necessary to define whether the innovation aims to improve the product portfolio, reduce costs, improve customer service, etc. This clarity also makes it possible to identify the collaborators to be mobilized in a given project.

6)    Allow time for innovation-focused work to develop
An innovation project consumes a lot of energy and time, so it is interesting to implement incentive policies in the company that allow people to be interested in the topic, research, make mistakes and think about the future of the organization in a strategic way and with an eye on the company's goals to long term.

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