
Widely used to monitor the health of users and sports lovers, wearables (personal monitoring devices that work attached to the body) are on the rise. According to a study by the Gartner Institute, sales are expected to reach US$ 28.7 billion this year. But like any tool that involves technology, there are always two sides to this coin: benefits of accessing more detailed information for better physical performance, but with risks of losing important data and invasion of user privacy.
"When the wearable communicates with other devices, such as smartphones and notebooks, the exchange of information can be intercepted or generate contamination by a virus, which spreads to other equipment", explains Pedro Paixão, general manager and vice president of sales Fortinet, a company that offers cybersecurity solutions, has compiled a list with six useful tips for using the device safely:
1. While wearing the wearable while exercising, disable Bluetooth to reduce the possibility of an attack.
2. To prevent proliferation, in the event of a virus, avoid connecting your wearable device to your work notebook or another computer that has critical information.
3. Be careful when sharing information on social networking sites or on specific sports sites. Activate all the necessary elements to safeguard your privacy in the information you share.
4. Whenever possible, upload your wearable information directly to the machine.
5. When uploading, delete the wearable information. If you lose your device, there will be no updated information on your device about your exercise routine that can be used to locate you.
6. Investigate well before adopting a wearable or related applications. Search for recognized brands or companies with a large number of users. You will have a greater guarantee of response from the manufacturer, in case of any problem.


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