
Hybrid cloud has become a strategic choice for technological infrastructure companies, providing the interoperability and portability they need to access data wherever and whenever they need it. Still, building a hybrid environment creates unique challenges: every organization must deal with its own infrastructure, distinct workloads, business processes, and workflow needs.

To define a successful hybrid cloud strategy, IBM recommends 5 steps:

Create a vision and determine business use cases

A hybrid cloud strategy must emerge from a clear vision plan that reflects business objectives (such as improving customer experience or optimizing costs) and articulates fruitful business use cases. For example, a hybrid cloud approach can be used to backup and disaster recovery, involving creating or updating copies of files, storing them in remote locations, and using the copies to continue operations in the event of data corruption, cyberattack, or natural disaster.
Determine migration needs for the cloud and workloads

Cloud migration has emerged as a vital business strategy for improving IT efficiency and reducing costs. Companies take a variety of approaches to migration, such as lift-and-shift, refactoring, or rebuilding new applications to re-architect. A fundamental aspect of this strategy involves the evaluation of workloads in the hybrid environment. Workloads related to web content, big data analytics, and AI particularly benefit from hybrid infrastructure.
Choose the best cloud service partners

A vision can turn into a plan of action by choosing the right cloud service providers. It's important to select a unified hybrid cloud platform that offers a comprehensive set of services, complemented by a versatile orchestration tool, and capable of seamlessly deploying workloads across multiple clouds. Then, the alignment of multicloud ecosystem partnerships into a single strategy brings together the best cloud services and technologies.
Assess overall costs

Cloud service providers offer different pricing models and service levels to help companies align cloud IT resources and costs with application needs and value. Costs can rise more than anticipated, especially with multiple vendors involved, which is why monitoring cloud spending is key. Cloud Cost Optimization Software Tools help monitor workload demands for maximum cost performance.
Security, compliance and regulatory standards

A hybrid multi-cloud infrastructure where resources are distributed across IT environments requires a holistic security approach. Companies need to implement the confidencezero, where the data must also be encrypteds to ensure that only valid users can access them. Additionally, a hybrid cloud strategy needs to incorporate the regulatory environment. For example, companies that adhere to the LGPD can adapt migration and data protection rules accordingly.

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