
Tools like isCobol and training for new developers keep the language relevant and adapted to new market demands

Although many may consider Cobol an outdated programming language, it still plays a fundamental role in information technology. Large financial institutions and governments depend on Cobol for their daily operations. The ability to modernize applications without having to rewrite all the code is one of the reasons it remains necessary.

With the growing demand for modernization, the question that arises is: what will happen to Cobol? Companies are investing in training for new developers, ensuring that this language remains alive. Furthermore, nowadays, modern tools are being developed to facilitate the integration of legacy systems with new technologies.

Interon's CEO, Luiz Gustavo, states that Cobol is evolving and adapting to new market needs. “Information technology recognizes its value and seeks ways to make the most of its potential. This creates opportunities for both veterans and new talents in the programming area”, he adds.

With so much information circulating about this tool, it is difficult to know what really makes sense. Below, see five myths and truths about the programming language.

  • Is Cobol a dead language?

Myth. The reality is that billions of lines of Cobol code are in active use, especially in banks and large corporations.

  • Is there a high demand for Cobol developers?

True. The demand for professionals with knowledge of tech language remains high, especially for maintaining and updating legacy systems.

  • Is it a very difficult language to learn?

Myth. Although Cobol's syntax is different from modern languages, it was created to be similar to the English language, which can make it easier for programmers to understand.

  • Cobol was created for commercial applications

True. Cobol was created in 1959 and designed to make programming business applications easier. Its structure and commands are oriented to meet commercial and administrative needs.

  • Cobol is inefficient and slow

Myth. The language is highly efficient for tasks it was designed for, particularly for bulk processing of financial transactions.

  • Can handle large volumes of data efficiently

True. One of the biggest advantages of Cobol is its ability to process huge volumes of data quickly and with high accuracy. This makes it ideal for systems that rely on mass processing of information.

  • It is no longer worth investing in Cobol

Myth. With the number of legacy systems that depend on Cobol, there is a solid market with opportunities for programmers in the language. According to Glassdoor, salaries for these professionals can reach up to R$30 thousand.

  • There are still thousands of active lines of code

True. It is estimated that more than 220 billion lines of Cobol code are in use worldwide. These codes are fundamental for the functioning of systems in different sectors.

  • Cobol does not support modern programming

Myth. There are modernizations and updates to Cobol that make it compatible and interoperable with more modern technologies.

  •  Updating Cobol helps reduce costs

Truth: Maintaining and updating Cobol systems can be more cost-effective than rewriting the same systems in new languages.


INTERON is a company that has been operating in the market since 1988 as a provider of solutions, services and products aimed at modernizing business applications. It is currently present on four continents, with emphasis on its operations in the United States, Taiwan, Europe and Japan. Find out more at:

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