
With 19 digital companies in the portfolio, nine were highlighted in Demo Day


21212 Digital Accelerator, the first binational digital business group in Brazil, held another 21212 Demo Day, on the 3rd, in Rio de Janeiro. The event, held for the first time in Portuguese, presented nine technology startups with high growth potential to an audience of more than 400 people, including investors (national and international) and large entrepreneurs. Gustavo Franco, president of the Millennium Institute and former president of the Central Bank of Brazil, and Guilherme Horn, former partner of ÁGORA and currently partner and CEO of ÓRAMA, were speakers at the event.
The main objective of the event is to expand the relationship network of new entrepreneurs, explain founders Marcelo Sales, Benjamin White, Rafael Duton, Frederico Lacerda and Leonardo Constantino, who were inspired by the American model of the company Y Combinator, an accelerator recognized worldwide with hundreds of companies launched in your wallet, such as global Dropbox, Airbnb and SlideShare.
Investment funds such as Confrapar, Ideiasnet, Redpoint eVentures, Intel Capital, Accel, Nazca Ventures, DXA, as well as CEOs and directors from Microsoft, Movile, Totvs and Cisco attended the Demo Day to get to know the biggest companies and technology businesses. The third edition of the event was sponsored by Sebrae, Amazon Web Services and Ciao Telecom (a company created by Brazilians in Silicon Valley).
about startups
THE aentropic is building a predictive analytics platform that supports the decision making of managers of medium and large companies in a simple and intuitive way. By combining user experience with high-level statistics, it brings useful algorithms to non-technical users. Its vision is to become Amazon for the “Data Science” market, building a large marketplace of solutions for industry-specific issues in the heated Brazilian Big Data market. Aentropico already runs pilot projects in Colombia, Mexico and Brazil in different industries, and is launching the beta version of its web-based platform.
THE GoBooks is an online platform that rents books to students, allowing them to save money. GoBooks is the first service to rent books online in Brazil and its main international reference is The number of university students is expected to reach 20 million in the next decade. GoBooks offers an attractive and inexpensive alternative as it eliminates the need to pay full price for new books or make illegal photocopies. The company rented 200 books in the last month alone and are now getting 3,900 visits per month with 100% of organic traffic.
THE instaframes allows amateur and professional photographers to turn their digital photos into decorative products to be used or sold. The startup's objective in investing in this market is that in addition to social networks in Brazil, regardless of the high number of internet users, they are still considered unexplored by the 65 million Facebook users and 55 million people who have smartphones, it is also an opportunity to promote the decoration market. Intaquadros has registered, so far, almost three thousand artists, published about 170 thousand photos and sold more than 1000 products.
THE Memed is the first Brazilian online prescribing platform and social collaboration tool for physicians. As an international reference, Epocrates stands out. They launched a beta version of online prescription for dermatologists with more than 1000 doctors and 45 laboratories registered, generating thousands of prescriptions per month, which motivates Memed's goal to expand its platform to all medical specialties. In Brazil, the medical prescription market generated US$26 billion in revenue in 2011. Finally, considering Memed's ability to fit into the medical prescription, commission and medical advertising market, its potential market is US$ 1.3 billion.
THE monogram is a Brazilian e-commerce dedicated to the sale of basic luxury clothing and accessories, at an affordable price. They seek to be Everlane in Brazil, as there is a rise of the Brazilian middle class, now represented by more than 50% of the population. The footwear and apparel market had revenues of R$ 4.6 billion in 2011, representing a growth of 7.3% over the previous year. Import duties and inefficient supply chains result in high prices for the apparel market in Brazil. In the last five years, e-commerce sales have been growing at a rate of 29%, however there is a huge gap in the online clothing market, as Brazil has a growth of only 6% against the global average of 22%. In this way, there is a huge opportunity in Brazil for the creation of a brand that can reduce the costs of physical stores and intermediaries.
We want it! is a platform that brings together fans, show producers and artists to promote and hold events through crowdfunding. Fans rely on local producers to perform for their favorite bands. Producers risk producing shows without knowing if they will get their money back from ticket sales. Artists, on the other hand, don't play as much as they wanted to.
O Reserve Seal provides a sophisticated shopping experience, both locally and internationally, for wines and enogastronomy. They provide customers with direct access to major sales and premium content, curated by renowned chefs and sommeliers, to guide consumers at the point of purchase. The site offers over 300 labels and to date has fulfilled over 1,500 orders. In addition, 50% of its clientele became loyal to the site, making repeat purchases.
THE We Do Logos was born with the proposal to serve the gigantic graphic design market of micro and small companies that were, until then, helpless by a professional and accessible solution. As a result, in just over 2 years, We Do Logos has become the largest creative competition company in Latin America, having already served 12,000 clients, with an email community of 35,000 designers, and having paid these talents more than 3 million reais
O ZeroPaper is an intelligent, simple financial manager, aimed at micro and small entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs. It provides its clients with a full view of their finances, helping them to make strategic decisions about their business. The system brings financial concepts and inserts pills of this knowledge into the day-to-day operation, turning small business owners into better financial managers. ZeroPaper is free for companies that earn less than R$ 10 thousand per month and works entirely in the cloud, with full availability and the same security applied in internet banking.
program criteria
To be part of the program, companies need to meet certain criteria, since being creative is not enough. It is important that the business presented has a proven model abroad or that it already presents growing results in the Brazilian market. Also, there needs to be a real problem being solved and there needs to be minimal revenue or user base. Finally, synergy with the 21212 Digital Accelerator team of executives and mentors.

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