


Seeking to understand which technologies and innovations are in the market’s sights and which are being developed by startups, the 100 Open Startups movement launched the study “The most desired innovation trends by the market and the opportunities for startups”.
43 technologies were collected from the compilation of the European Commission's Business Innovation Observatory report, the KPMG Technological Trends Index and the research carried out on the basis of the 100 Open Startups movement.
Based on 3,665 responses from accelerators, executives from large companies, investors and experts, the technologies most sought after by the market are Big Data, Internet of Things, Design for Innovation, Innovation in Business Models for Global Competitiveness and Consumer Experience.
With operations in Latin America and India, the 100 Open Startups platform has the engagement of more than 5,000 executives from 500 large companies on one side and more than 4,000 active startups and 200 investors on the other. Of the startups registered on the platform, more than 300 have reached Level 5, that is, they are considered attractive and prepared to put their innovations on the market in partnership with large companies. In the last two years, more than 700 contracts have also been generated between startups and large companies.
The complete study is available in ebook format on the website Just fill in the form to receive the content for free by email.

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