
TIVIT Smart Tracking drives digital transformation with real-time vision and monitoring, increasing management, avoiding risks, reducing losses and shortening process cycles

By 2025, there will be more than 23 billion Internet of Things (IoT) connections, an increase of 52.3% compared to 15.1 billion in 2021, according to a recent report from the GSMA, an industry organization representing network operators. mobile phone networks around the world.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected devices that leverage the Internet to continuously capture and process data and analysis of physical objects. As IoT adoption increases and becomes more integrated, global supply chains are expected to reap major benefits. For example, IoT devices create multiple interaction points along supply chains that offer advanced data collection, factory automation, GPS shipment tracking, and improved communication between machines and people.

The Information Technology sector in Brazil reached a significant milestone in 2023, with investments totaling 50 billion dollars, positioning the country once again among the ten largest global investors in the segment, as revealed by the International Data Group (IDC) study. The research also projects that by the end of 2024, half of Brazilian companies will be in the planning or proof-of-concept stages for Internet of Things (IoT) implementations.

Organizations have realized business opportunities provided by the use of IoT devices, such as the ability to monitor processes in real time, generate greater productivity by reducing manual work, detect risks and problems preventively, increase the collection of relevant data from the operation, predict risks for the workforce and even improve your customers’ experience. In this context, TIVIT, a Brazilian multinational that connects technology for a better world, presents TIVIT Smart Tracking to the market. This new solution combines IoT technologies, cloud services and artificial intelligence to provide real-time vision and monitoring of people and assets within companies.

“There is a growing demand for customizable solutions that adapt to the specific needs of each sector. TIVIT Smart Tracking not only ensures regulatory compliance and high security standards, but also promotes an automatically interconnected operation with greater instant visibility, more efficient and secure for our customers”, says Helenice Oliveira, Director of IoT, ECM and EDI at TIVIT.

In addition to its adaptability to diverse industrial sectors, such as healthcare, retail, agribusiness, chemical, oil and gas, utilities and logistics, TIVIT Smart Tracking can be implemented in a variety of environments, including factories, warehouses, ports, airports and hospitals . The solution not only locates assets and people, but also offers personalized dashboards, security alerts, process monitoring, labor risk mitigation and workplace accident prevention.

According to Phillipe Calixto, IoT BDM at TIVIT, the solution uses several advanced technologies to meet the different needs of the market: “In general, the most used are RFID tags (Radio Frequency Identification), BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), UWB ( Ultra Wideband) and IoT receivers. They can be both active and passive, being chosen according to the specific application”, he says.

A notable example of technology implementation is the solution developed for one of the largest refrigerators in the world, which manages thermal break periods for 16,000 employees in six factories in Brazil. TIVIT was chosen to face the challenge of ensuring that employees take the necessary breaks within cold rooms, respecting labor rights and preserving workers' health.

To meet this need, TIVIT implemented a complete IoT solution, including 75 monitoring portals, 16 thousand badges with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology and a cloud platform for real-time data analysis. This solution monitors the time spent by employees in cold areas, optimizing team coordination and ensuring the safety and well-being of employees, which resulted in a significant reduction in accidents and labor complaints.

While IoT has the power to transform supply chains and operations, its success will depend on cloud computing technology. This is because IoT devices must be able to connect and send information to the cloud in a centralized location that allows devices to quickly communicate with each other.

“We installed gateways throughout the factory to facilitate communication between BLE devices, networks, servers and the cloud. This allows us to instantly monitor the entry and exit of employees from cold areas”, adds Calixto.

TIVIT Smart Tracking not only demonstrates the integration of advanced technologies, but also reflects TIVIT's commitment to ESG (environmental, social and governance) innovation and sustainability. This solution offers companies a powerful tool to improve asset and employee management, ensuring safer and more efficient work environments, while optimizing operations and reducing costs related to failures and accidents.

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