
* By Cleber Ribas

Imagining tomorrow is never an easy task. But it is possible to advance, right away, a theme that will be highlighted in the corporate routine in 2023: cybersecurity. This happens due to several factors. The main one, without a doubt, is the increasing importance of digital in the daily lives of companies and professionals and the consequent proliferation of attacks and threats to these assets within organizations. Within this context though, what are the trends we should see in the coming year and beyond? 

According to the main global analyses, the great tendency is to see investments in cybersecurity moving towards more integrated and comprehensive structures. According to Gartner, for example, by 2025, 80% companies will adopt a strategy to unify protections for Web use, Cloud services and access to applications from integrated platforms, from a single supplier. Through these unified threat management solutions, companies can gain strength to increase security beyond the current perimeter (wider and more mobile) of networks. 

Another important trend is the adoption of Zero Trust, a concept that institutes continuous vigilance and the need to 'distrust' all possible paths. It is estimated that 60% of organizations will adopt this methodology as a starting point for their security strategies in the next three years.  

It seems an exaggeration to say that it is “important to distrust everything and everyone”, but the truth is that, with digital relationships gaining importance and volume within companies, anticipating any threat has become a critical point for the survival of businesses of the most varied types. and sizes. Even more so given the escalation of attacks seen in recent years, with the most diverse types of fraud attempts taking place on a global scale.  

As a result, organizations are placing more emphasis on using features that enhance observability over networks, maximize data privacy, and help ensure role-based access control, multi-factor authentication, encryption, network segmentation, and external and external assessments. ongoing to identify areas for improvement. 

The list of trends also includes the automation of processes, with solutions that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Machine Learning, in English) to make the routine of information security teams simpler and more manageable. In times of digital transformation and hybrid work, with increasingly decentralized and mobile structures, the IT area has become an environment filled with applications, equipment, users and interconnected systems, whose management has become a complex and potentially impossible task to monitor. manually. In this scenario, the reality is that the more devices connected to networks, the more doors and windows there are for attackers to try to take advantage of.  

It is worth noting, at this same point, the popularization of Internet of Things (IoT) projects. Internet of Things, in English). In 2023, according to Gartner's analyses, we will reach 43 billion endpoints connected in the world. It is in view of this perspective that automation should be a considerable factor in security. 

From a business perspective, there is clearly no doubt that cybersecurity will reaffirm its status as an essential pillar for sustaining companies. For this reason, we can say that the great demand and trend for 2023 will be the adoption of increasingly collaborative and comprehensive approaches to digital security – involving not only the IT area, but all departments of companies.  

As attacks proliferate along with potential penalties (regulatory and loss of customer trust), defining holistic cybersecurity strategies, including business, technology and management, becomes a pre-eminent step to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities more effectively. effective. Most Boards of Directors view cybersecurity as a business risk, not just a technical IT issue. As such, it is vital that teams across all sectors break down barriers and discuss cybersecurity as a strategic factor. 

We often think of cybersecurity as an ongoing battle between hackers and technology experts. However, the truth is that this is a constantly evolving dispute, in which people, technologies and protection practices need to work together, in full collaboration, to maintain the protection of data and business.  

The coming year should bring huge innovations to the security area. Without collaboration and structure, however, there is no effective protection. Companies need to ensure the implementation of the most modern and agile cybersecurity solutions, while providing information and training to the teams. Uniting these two plans – technology and collaboration – is what will make the difference to avoid vulnerabilities and, above all, to take advantage of the opportunities of the digital world in a more complete and peaceful way. 

*Cleber Ribas, CEO of Blockbit 

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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