
Related companies to Health Innova Hub Saúde have access to the association's 35 years of experience in the legal, regulatory, tax and marketing areas

Committed to ensuring an environment conducive to innovation in the healthcare sector, in which technology plays a fundamental role in discovering new ways to improve quality in Brazil, ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies has partnered with Health Innova Hub Saúde , a digital ecosystem for entrepreneurs, innovators and investors in this sector to connect, grow and collaborate.

The partnership, celebrated in a virtual event available at Health Innova Hub Health channel on Youtube, is in line with the association's purpose of contributing to the construction of a digital and less unequal Brazil and takes place through the ABES Startup Internship Program, which provides the services offered by ABES to its members free of charge for six months.

“We have seen that technology is increasingly intrinsic to the healthcare area, so this dialogue becomes increasingly important at this time. We are seeing the digital take on a fundamental role in our lives. Not only because it is growing in importance, but also because other issues are coming to the fore such as cyber security, data privacy, the complementarity that technology will have with medical care, the role of robotic surgeries, among others. Therefore, we are counting on ABES to carry out this development with all the stakeholders of which it is a part and establish this very important dialogue”, says Fernando Cembranelli, CEO of Health Innova Hub.

“Encouraging innovation in the healthcare sector is one of the most important agendas for society in general. Therefore, we seek to help emerging companies, which use technology intensively and wish to operate or expand their activities, to overcome the complexities present in the market, making available to program participants the association's 35 years of experience in the legal, regulatory, tax and marketing”, explains Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES

For startups whose purpose is to generate innovation in addition to developing in the healthcare sector, this is the opportunity to have access not only to services and research offered by ABES, but also to partnerships and possible commercial agreements. Program participants have access to services in the legal, tax, regulatory, LGPD, market data, government funding and development areas and a complete compliance structure, in addition to Working Groups (WG) focused on Business Development, Future of Work, Regulatory, Public Procurement, Taxation, Data Protection, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence.

To find out more details about the ABES Internship Program, and the services available, access: or watch the partnership launch on Health Innova Hub Health channel on Youtube

About ABES

ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all. In this sense, it aims to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive, always aligned with its mission to connect, guide, protect and develop the Brazilian information technology market.

Since its foundation in September 1986, ABES has sought to be relevant to its members and a national and international reference in the technology sector. Recently, the entity launched, in partnership with EY, the LGPD diagnosis, a free online tool and the LGPD/ABES index, with the objective of helping companies to analyze their level of adequacy with the LGPD (General Data Protection Law ). Based on more than 3,000 diagnoses carried out, the LGPD ABES index, indicate that around only 40% are in compliance with the LGPD, for more details, visit:

Currently, ABES represents approximately 2 thousand companies, totaling around 85% of the software and services segment revenue in Brazil, distributed in 22 Brazilian states and the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 208 thousand direct jobs and an annual revenue around 63.7 billion in 2019.

Access the ABES Portal – or contact the Relationship Center: +55(11) 2161-2833.

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