Certificate of Origin

Qualifies the company through its registration data, indicates the computer program it developed, classifying it for preference purposes in acquisitions by public entities and qualifying it in accordance with art. 3 of law no. 8,248, of 1991 and article 5 of federal decree no. 7,174, of May 12, 2010, in the category “goods and services with technology developed in the country” and categorizing the computer program in accordance with item I of art. 26 of Law No. 14,133/2021, combined with the “caput” of art. 3rd, of Federal Decree No. 11,890/2024, in the category “national manufactured goods and services that meet Brazilian technical standards”, eligible for a preference margin of up to 10% (ten percent) on the price of goods and services that do not fall into this category. The member may also request the inclusion, in the certificate, of technical information about the computer program covered by the certificate, such as: operating environment, functions, resources and special characteristics, as well as the modules that make up the product.

There is a need to send the Declaration for Certificate of Origin (model 5), which must always be renewed when the certificate is reissued. For this type of certificate, proof of application for registration of the computer program (s) with the INPI or equivalent document to the registration will be required, in the form of paragraph 2, of article 2, of Law No. 9.609 / 98.

The declaration must be on the letterhead of the associated company and must be signed by the company representative at ABES. In the absence of this, the declaration will be signed by a partner or director of the company, in which case such quality must be proven, by sending the minutes of election, articles of association or the last amendment to the clause governing the company's management. If signed by a proxy, the declaration will be accompanied by a copy of the proxy in which powers are granted to sign the document.

When the ownership of the program in the certificate is owned by third parties, it is necessary to send a declaration from the company granting the marketing rights, which proves the authorization of the holder for marketing by the applicant company (model 3).

The original of the declaration must be mandatorily presented on the letterhead of the company granting the marketing rights and must have been sent no more than 180 days from the date of request for the certificate. Variations in the texts will be accepted, as long as it mentions the quality of sole representative or exclusive distributor.

For more information and prices, download the ABES Certificate Issuance Policy file