
*Per Otto Pohlmann

As technologies advance, cyber threats evolve at the same rate. Therefore, in times of digital transformation, inside and outside the business world, ensuring cybersecurity is undoubtedly a priority. Thus, the choice of a software protection is essential to strengthen digital security, especially in companies.  

the antiviruses, firewalls and antispyware are the most basic and vital technologies to ensure the privacy and availability of corporate data, creating an effective barrier against malicious actions. After all, more than ever, surfing the net has become synonymous with vulnerability to scams, violations and theft of sensitive and confidential information. Contrary to these attempts, the softwares protection are features that aim to block, protect and find loopholes in fixed and mobile internet systems and networks. 

To get an idea, approximately a quarter of Brazilian companies reported financial losses generated by digital attacks in 2022. Most cases are classified as data theft, according to an annual survey carried out by the security company Proofpoint. The survey states that 78% of organizations in Brazil had at least one data theft attack experience (phishing) via email last year and 23% of them suffered financial loss as a result.  

The research, also carried out in 14 other countries, identified that 58% of Brazilian companies suffered an attack attempt by ransomware last year, with 46% of the cases being successful for the hackers

In 2022, it is worth remembering that large Brazilian organizations and institutions suffered attempts at digital attacks, such as Lojas Americanas, the investment bank BR Partners, Banco Pan, the manufacturer of wheels and automotive components Iochpe-Maxion, the sanitation company Aegea and the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). Americanas alone lost around R$ 1 billion in sales after the attack recorded in February 2022. 

As you can see, it is extremely important to have effective solutions to enhance online security. Therefore, I list the main aspects that must be taken into account when choosing the software ideal.


Here come all the coverages that the softwares of protection must propose, such as: service to the business and respect for the characteristics of the organization; guarantee of results; protection of any and all programs used in the company; constant code updates in order to reduce threats and mitigate intrusions; and work in accordance with the law, adapting to the LGPD. 


The ease of using the software and sailing through it is worth gold. Therefore, it is necessary to have an intuitive, simple to operate and technologically advanced solution. Functional features must be taken into account, as well as the ability to maintain communication over any type of limitations that may arise. Efficient performance, with certain levels, is also a prerequisite for measuring how the tool can optimize the protection of your systems. 

easy maintenance 

After installing the solution, it is common for necessary adjustments to appear. So, to make this process suitable, it is important to choose a software that allows for easy and inexpensive upgrades. Furthermore, it is important that, even with the adjustments, the tool includes care to keep all data protected. Another crucial point is the identification of failures and system errors to always integrate efficient traceability. 

Simple adaptation in any environment 

The simpler the tool, without the constant presence of a developer or code creator, the better the software of protection. This is because the applicability needs to follow all current portability standards. 

Based on these tips, your business will certainly have a high continuity of operation and scalability solution. The motto is and always will be: extract maximum performance and maximize protection.  

*Otto Pohlmann is CEO of Centric Solution, a technology company that provides end-to-end solutions to meet security and GDPR requirements, with a focus on implementation, training and support, in order to help sustain the development of businesses of all sizes and sectors

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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