
*By Ricardo Recchi and Alex Santos

According to research carried out by Ituran with official data from the Secretariat of Public Security of the São Paulo government, in the first six months of 2022, car robberies and thefts increased by 22.7% compared to the same period of 2021. autos also registered an increase of 25.74% in July this year, compared to the same period in 2021, according to the Neurotech Insurance Demand Index (INDS).

This increase was mainly driven by the easing of the quarantine caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the return of the population to the streets, increasing the number of vehicles on the roads. In view of this scenario, the search for vehicle tracking services, which enable the recovery of vehicles in a faster and safer way, has also intensified and, as a way to improve their services, companies in the sector have sought more governance in their businesses.

In this sense, the differential has become the search for systemic controls that make internal and corporate management information available, and not just business routine data, such as speed alerts, position history or vehicle blocking, processes that are common in these companies. . This integrated management is translated into the adoption of ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning) specialized in vehicle tracking. One way out is the software developed in Low-Code, which may have specific features focused on the main needs of this sector and which are not contemplated in traditional systems market. That is, they are systems that go far beyond the delivery of the main service - the location of the vehicle, in fact, they advance to face the day-to-day difficulties that the management of every company goes through.

In the financial area, for example, there is the ability to issue bank slips, charge with credit card, perform bank reconciliation, automatically send remittance files to accounts payable, control the collection of non-performing invoices, create agreements with the generation of bank slips, etc. .

In corporate management, it is possible to control lawsuits and fines, manage internal requests, use the internal communicator, send emails automatically and integrate with digital signature tools, among other features.

In view of the examples listed, it is clear that, with the integrated management system, it is possible to connect all data and processes, corporate and specific, on a single platform, supporting the growth of these organizations. And, if it is necessary to carry out specific developments for the company and for market demands and updates, the ERP based on Low-Code supports this evolution through Artificial Intelligence, providing more agility and better experiences for new applications.

Another advantage of Low-Code is the connection with IoT sensors (in Portuguese, Internet of Things) for tracking vehicles and, consequently, sending the captured data to the cloud, which makes it possible to manage the business in real time and with integrations with other ERP data. That is, more assertive information and at the right time for decision making.

As we have seen, vehicle tracking companies can have access to processes that allow for an organized and sustainable growth of the business. Adopting a specialized ERP guarantees this objective, as well as supporting the fight against robberies and car thefts more quickly.

*Ricardo Recchi is country manager for GeneXus Brazil, Portugal and Cape Verde. The company is part of the Globant Group and is a pioneer in Low-Code platforms that simplify the development and evolution of software through automation.

*Alex Santos is CEO of Dwith, developer of Low-Code ERPs that are specialized in vehicle tracking and vehicle protection association.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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