
*by Marco Zanini

Prevention is better than cure. Have you ever heard that expression? The statement is true. Proof of this is the IBM study of digital security. In 2020, only in the technology sector, a average loss of US$ 5.04 million, due to data leakage. In Brazil, the most affected segments are Health, Energy and Finance, with a loss of more than US1TP2Q17 million. Most of the time, these losses go far beyond financial issues, extending to image damage and in-house restructuring needs of security professionals and tools.

As the number of people with access to technology grows, the fraud and risk of damage involving data leakage increases considerably. And, what we have seen is that generally digital theft, information cloning and hacker attacks happen due to the user (company and/or individual) not paying attention to the existence of these risks.

The Ponemon Institute's recent global study shows that 54% of companies consider that the main threat to data confidentiality is the failure of processes and people. While 23% are concerned with the action of temporary employees. Another data, from the IBM study, shows a global average that, last year, only 59% of global organizations had security automation in place. In Brazil the average is 48%. Which means that in the world average 31% of these companies have failures not monitored by a professional security team, making them vulnerable to potential leak targets.

A very suitable solution for data protection, secrecy and adherence to compliance with Brazilian legislation is encryption. In addition to being a security tool adopted for millennia, it can be used today for data anonymization, transaction signatures, safekeeping of digital certificates, strong authentication of digital identities, among several other features. It is always important to remember that encryption performed in software has its security limitations. The most secure is, without a doubt, hardware encryption, also available in cloud solutions.

The General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD), in force since September 2020, will guarantee greater control and security regarding the privacy of people in digital media and the greater movement of online transactions. It has been motivating companies to seek information protection solutions. After all, both companies and their customers are increasingly exposed and unsafe.

A report by the consultancy Canalys points out that in 2020 the area of digital security was the one that had more investment than other segments of the IT industry – an increase of 10%, equivalent to US$ 53 billion (R$ 300 billion).

It takes constant and dedicated work so that people and companies can have access to data protection and digital identity security solutions. Security companies need to make further progress towards this goal in order to democratize these tools and curb cybercrime. But each character in this scenario is responsible for the fight against data leakage and information theft. Prevention is better than cure.

* Marco Zanini Digital Identity Security Specialist Engineer and CEO of DINAMO Networks.

  • The survey was conducted for the Global Encryption Trends Study, carried out between December 2019 and January 2020, with 6,457 companies from 17 countries, including Brazil, and highlighted the importance of using these technologies in favor of digital security.
  • Canalys American consultancy that analyzes trends and future scenarios in the technology industry.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies


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