
The Brasil Exportação platform, designed to simplify and democratize access to exports, will revolutionize the way Brazilian exporters operate by quickly and easily connecting companies to foreign trade support service providers. The initiative, which allows entrepreneurs to find different services in one place, was officially launched on November 14th, during Web Summit Portugal.

According to the Vice President of the Republic and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC), Geraldo Alckmin, the platform is innovative on a global level and has the potential to expand the participation of companies in Brazilian foreign trade. It will integrate all export support services for Brazilian companies, with special attention to MSMEs and will be one of the main instruments of the recently launched National Export Culture Policy (PNCE). “At PNCE, we are seeking more inclusive foreign trade, in which more MSMEs benefit from the advantages of being part of the international market. The Brasil Exportação Platform will be an important tool to achieve this objective.”

According to the study Profile of Brazilian Exporting Firms, prepared by the MDIC in 2023, exporting companies tend to pay better wages and create more jobs. This fact demonstrates the relevance of public policies to encourage exports, with internationalization being an important vector of income generation and distribution.

The platform is the result of cooperation between the Brazilian and British governments, within the scope of the Brazil-United Kingdom Trade Facilitation Program, led by the MDIC and the United Kingdom Embassy in Brazil. The project is currently operated by the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), and has a partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), Sebrae, the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) who came together to provide foreign trade services to companies of different sizes and sectors. Brasil Exportação will also publicize the services provided by the Itamaraty's more than 100 Trade and Investment Promotion Sectors (SECOMs) installed in countries on five continents.

For Chancellor Mauro Vieira, “the launch of an innovative tool like Brasil Exportação will greatly contribute to bringing together Brazilian businesspeople interested in gaining space outside our embassies and consulates. Through the Trade Promotion and Investment Sectors of its posts abroad, Itamaraty maintains the tradition of supporting the national productive sector. The new platform will certainly make this contact even more agile, facilitating the work of our businesspeople in the most diverse markets.”

For Jorge Viana, president of ApexBrasil, the platform's operating agency, Brasil Exportação establishes a direct connection between Brazilian businesspeople and the entire world by integrating exporting companies with a wide range of export support service providers. He also highlights that the project is in line with the Digital Agency strategy, one of the objectives established by the ApexBrasil Strategic Plan for the 2024-2027 four-year period, and aims to increase the participation of companies from all Brazilian states in exports. “Brazil has the potential to significantly expand its participation in international trade, giving more opportunities to smaller companies, companies from the North and Northeast regions, with innovative business models. The Brasil Exportação Platform is our response to these challenges, in a modern and efficient way.”

The platform promotes export support services for companies of all sizes and from all sectors of the Brazilian economy. The solutions offered by CNI and CNA help businesspeople reach the international market by taking Brazilian products to the world. Micro and small companies will also be able to count on Sebrae's training to start exporting or expand their business abroad.

The community will promote products from the entire export chain, from training and promotion to financing and logistics. Entrepreneurs will find a wide variety of services, such as studies, courses, opportunity maps, events, storage, shipping, financing and much more. In a digital environment, the company can search, evaluate and favorite services of its choice, in addition to interacting with providers to answer questions about the services offered.

For Sebrae, the platform consolidates many of the efforts of Brazilian institutions that drive businesses in their internationalization process. The institution, aimed at small entrepreneurs, has been actively working to enable them to access new markets. “Brazil is in an excellent economic moment and has been accumulating excellent results in exports. Our Trade Balance has been recording a surplus throughout 2023. The world today is digital and this change is here to stay, bringing hundreds of opportunities. Small businesses will be able to have, through this platform, quality information in one place and also exchange experiences”, highlights the president of Sebrae, Décio Lima.

The president of the CNI, Ricardo Alban, reinforces the importance of promoting the internationalization of smaller companies, which helps to make them more competitive and productive. “The importance of the platform is mainly due to the ease, speed and confidence in accessing information, services and opportunities for exporting Brazilian products, which makes a difference for micro and small companies. It is a tool that has the potential to promote the diversification of the Brazilian economy and strengthen Brazil's presence in global trade. It will help companies make informed decisions and increase their chances of success in the global market”, says Alban.

According to CNA's Director of International Relations, Sueme Mori, “the Brasil Exportação Platform is an important tool for rural producers, cooperatives and agribusinesses that need export support. Through the platform, they will have access to a vast amount of services that are essential to prepare them for foreign trade. CNA has participated in the initiative since the beginning because it believes that joint and coordinated work between institutions that work to promote exports in the country is key to expanding Brazilian participation in the international market”.

About the Brasil Exportação platform

The Brasil Exportação platform is a free-access digital community that integrates all steps of a company in the export process. Its proposal is to quickly and easily connect businesspeople to foreign trade service providers. The goal is to encourage Brazilian exports from micro, small and medium-sized companies, promoting social and economic impact.

The project is a partnership between the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA), in addition to the Ministries of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC) and Foreign Affairs (MRE). The initiative's mission is to facilitate exporters' paths so that they can achieve international success.


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Brazil Export Platform (

Theme: Business Qualification — Attracting Foreign Investment — International Expansion
Market: Not specified
Export Sector: Others
Investment Sector: Technology Services

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