
* By Guilherme Morais

Contrary to what one can imagine, the term MUVUCA does not refer to the well-known informal term in our language that defines a group of noisy and crowded people, something prohibitive in the moment of current stress. It is an evolved version of the well-known concept of VUCA world, which emerged in the late 90s linked to the areas of classical management and strategy to describe the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of the scenario of that time.

In the context of the MUVUCA world, where the letter M (meaningfull) describes the new approaches of organizations that need to have meaning and purpose and the letter U (universal) defines the global impact that actions need to have, companies will adopt an entrepreneurial management where more and more people will have vital importance because they are the only ones capable of identifying and aligning ideas and meanings to create the purposes that will direct the actions and positions of organizations, making them more human.

We live in an era of acceleration and automation, where companies, in order to guarantee economy and scalability and even expand their service networks, have introduced robots developed using AI mechanisms to assist in the operation and which undoubtedly have become an investment strategic for companies.

It may seem like a great contradiction in this era of accelerated Digital Transformation, but an Amdocs Survey in partnership with Forrester Research revealed that 80% of the Brazilian population prefers human service. This leads us to question and reflect on the reason why, at the moment that technology is strongly present in our daily lives, automating the most diverse processes, we increasingly feel the need for a humane and warm service, especially during and after the pandemic.

As a way of answering this question, I think that companies should choose to create service models based on the Customer Centric concept, that is, the consumer should be at the center of everything, always privileging humanization and quality of life, valuing the adopting traditional moral precepts and applying current and emerging technologies, such as Big Data, IoT and AI to accurately analyze consumers' true perceptions and make them feel fully served and satisfied. In addition, by offering humanized service that prioritizes its consumer, the company achieves positive results in its confidence indexes, which are reflected in the consolidation of its business.

Another reflection that is necessary and worth highlighting in the context of the development of the humanization of relationships is the concept of society 5.0 that emerged in Japan. It deals with a hyperconnected environment, where it will not be technology, but the people who will be at the center of all changes and will be protagonists in the transformation of products, processes and services resulting in a smarter, more efficient and sustainable way of life. However, again it brings up new challenges for companies that, in order to humanize service, will have to create strategies that lead to balance and synergy between the digital and the human, as well as achieving that the artificial and emotional intelligences can act together and with empathy in your technology solutions.

Attending means serving, seeing, listening and acting with empathy putting yourself in the other's shoes. Work exerts an agglutinating force to create the necessary connections to humanize customer relations, especially in this moment of transformation that is impacting and requiring a new vision and reflection on its new role in our lives and in companies.

The more robots gain space, the more human service is valued. That is why, today, the big question of how to use technology to our advantage and still provide an unforgettable service that contributes to the enchantment of the consumer, remains one of the great challenges to maintain the relevance of companies in the market in transformation.

* Guilherme Morais is a Talent Lead from TOPdesk.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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