
Event highlights the importance of training educators and students to meet the growing demand of the technology industry in Brazil

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Last Thursday (18), in São Paulo, Oracle brought together approximately 400 teachers, managers and education executives, and a group of students from across the country to discuss the future of technological education during the Oracle Academy Summit 2024. The event reinforced the company's purpose of transforming the world by empowering people through technology and offered a day full of knowledge and practical classes to those present. 

Oracle Academy is a free, global, philanthropic program with the mission of boosting Technology Education, which provides educational institutions with the necessary resources to support educators and has already impacted more than 32,700 Brazilian teachers and students in more than 1,220 institutions. In all of Latin America, this number exceeds 4,600 institutions, 16 thousand teachers and more than 142 thousand students. 

For Gabriel Vallejo, Vice President of Marketing at Oracle in Latin America, Oracle Academy is an important opportunity to build the future of young people. “We are experiencing great growth in the technology industry and there is a very strong latent demand for trained professionals. When we look at education, we see an opportunity and teachers play a fundamental role in this. They open the doors so that new talents, who are in the classroom, can look at this future in a promising way and are prepared for this new scenario”, he comments. 

Richard Delgado, director of Oracle Academy for Latin America, highlights the importance of the program in training new professionals: “we want teachers to have access to the entire Oracle platform, so that they can understand how they can broaden their students' horizons, training professionals that the industry needs. We teach current topics such as cloud, artificial intelligence, databases and business applications, for example. And we are on the right track, as in the last year, we have seen a growth of 200% in the adoption of the Oracle cloud for teaching”. 

For Arquelau Pasta, professor at SENAI and Ânima Educação in Blumenau, the partnership contributes positively to the training of students: in the city of Santa Catarina, 95% of the students who graduate from the course end up employed. “Blumenau is considered a software hub and we really need qualified labor there. Our objective is to bring a little of the market to these students, showing the path they must follow to, one day, become qualified and employed professionals”, highlights Pasta. 

One example is Isabela Duarte, a cloud services engineer, who had access to Oracle Academy during the Systems Analysis and Development course at FATEC Praia Grande, in São Paulo and now works at Oracle itself. “During a course subject, one of my teachers introduced us to Oracle Academy and I started learning about databases. The Academy courses enhanced my CV and, some time later, I got an opportunity at Oracle”, he says. If she could give one tip to other students, it would be to take advantage of the opportunity and dedicate yourself to your studies. “I couldn't afford college and the Academy courses were, without a doubt, essential factors in me getting this opportunity.” 

So much so that the young woman encouraged her mother to fulfill an old wish and start studying technology. “She followed my studies and was always interested in the topic. Last year, I encouraged her to learn about the Oracle Next Education program, another Oracle educational initiative, and she just graduated from it. Today, she studies Multiplatform Software Development at the same FATEC that I studied years ago”, says her daughter, proudly.

Gabriel Vallejo, Vice President of Marketing at Oracle in Latin America

The Oracle For Education Journey

In addition to the Academy, Oracle has several educational knowledge journeys aimed at everyone who is part of the movement Oracle for Education, which has already impacted more than 2 million people in Latin America. Our actions focus on ensuring access to the entire population, especially the most vulnerable, in order to ensure inclusion and diversity in the labor market and develop, through education, quality of life, economy and access to opportunities in countries where we are present. 

One of the educational pillars is the Oracle Next Education – ONE, an education, inclusion and employability program with the social objective of training low-income people and underrepresented profiles in technology and connecting them with the job market through partner companies. 

already the Oracle for Developers is a program focused on the developer community in Latin America with the aim of implementing innovative ways of training the technical team of large Oracle client companies. O Oracle University is dedicated to providing training and certification in Oracle technologies and solutions. Its goal is to help professionals and companies maximize the value of Oracle products by promoting technical skills and knowledge through courses, workshops, e-learning, hands-on labs and certification programs. 

Oracle's Social Impact area's main commitment is to advance Education, protect the Environment, strengthen Communities and promote Health. Efforts combine support for thousands of non-profit institutions with corporate volunteering. Activities focused on education include Discover Data with Oracle Education Foundation, Interview simulations with young people, professional mentoring, intensive data training program, programming classes, among others. Some of the partner institutions are Gerando Falcões, Instituto Proa, Laboratoria and Technovation, the latter two focusing on the inclusion of women in the technology market. 

Finally, the Oracle PartnerNetwork focuses on developing the potential of Oracle partners by providing guidance, direction and training on how to design, demonstrate and implement Oracle solutions that meet customers' business challenges.

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