
*By Eduardo Pires

In recent years, one of the issues that has gained increasing attention and importance in the corporate world is digital security. This is because taking care of sensitive data is, and always will be, essential for any business – and the legal sector is no different. With the advancement of technology adoption to digitize more and more processes of the operation of an office or legal department, the need to be more protected from cyber threats also grows.

In the legal sector (as in any other), ensuring cyber protection is no longer a differential, but an obligation. With the high volume of confidential and sensitive information that circulates in this medium daily, investment in security needs to be a priority. In this sense, one of the best alternatives for legal departments and law firms is the migration of their database for storage in a cloud🇧🇷 This movement combines strict security protocols, ease of access and infrastructure savings at the same time.

1. Protection of sensitive data

The security of information circulating in lawsuits is essential, and cloud storage guarantees more robust international protocols and greater protection than physical servers. In addition, this data is backed up with more frequency and quality, preventing important information from being lost. The information is encrypted and stored in compliance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

2. Remote access 

It is very common for professionals in the legal sector to take place outside the office, either by remote or hybrid work, by attending hearings, meetings outside the company, business trips, among other reasons. Being able to access information from anywhere, including from mobile devices, with systems that guarantee the security and integrity of the information, brings a huge gain in productivity and is a differential for making decisions quickly and at any time. It can be a crucial factor when closing a contract, quickly guiding the client or not missing non-negotiable deadlines.

3. Centralization of information

A common challenge in the legal area is to make sure that all documents consulted and worked on are 100% updated and with the most correct information about each case. The cloud is an efficient way to minimize or even eliminate this problem. You can keep only one version of each file stored on your system, so everyone can view and edit the same document. With traditional storage on servers or sending by e-mails, there is more risk of creating different copies among the team, with possible information inconsistencies. Ultimately, this can mean failures with compliance, missed deadlines and incomplete documents that jeopardize the progress of each action for the company and its customers.

Plus, with a single version of each document accessible from any device, it's easier to find the files corresponding to an action with the certainty that it's the correct and up-to-date document. Time saving and risk mitigation simultaneously.

4. Data control

Another positive point related to the use of cloud computing is the finer control over access to company or customer data. Precisely because it deals with sensitive information on a daily basis, this functionality is essential for any legal team. In addition to all data security, cloud systems allow the manager to define which users can access each document or which parts of the document, with a record of each user's action. The general management of documents is much more accurate and dynamic.

5. Operating cost

Cloud storage eliminates the investment in a physical technology infrastructure, whether in the acquisition of robust equipment or in its maintenance. There is still not the same level of concern with purchasing, installing, licensing and updating software. It's all online and with monthly costs, which also helps in forecasting the company's expenses. All this allows you to dedicate more time and money to the core business of the office or the legal department. 

All these points added to market trends show that cloud adoption is no longer a trend for the future. According to a global survey by technology consultancy ISG, cloud services grew by 450% during the pandemic and are expected to increase by 20% in 2022. The time to invest is now. Law firms and legal departments cannot ignore this fact. It is a case that is already on trial.

*Eduardo Pires, product director of the Legal segment at TOTVS

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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