
*Per Adriano Nepomuceno

The computing in a cloud It has emerged as a priority in most companies around the world, as it has revolutionized the way organizations and people use computing resources, store data and run applications. 

To give you an idea, according to a study carried out by IBM, 83% of business and IT leaders in Brazil have already implemented hybrid cloud with the aim of boosting digital evolution of your business. 

However, when approaching this topic, it is first necessary to understand the concepts. The cloud can be considered as a cluster of computing, storage and network communication components, in which there is a range of computing resources available to anyone who has access to that cloud environment. 

The hybrid cloud, in turn, consists of a private cloud and a public cloud, or two public clouds, or two private clouds. In other words, two environments of these computing clusters that were not necessarily built to serve the same purpose, but are used together. 

In this way, the hybrid cloud concept is closer to the division of workloads, in which each system or operation that needs to function as a whole, has a part allocated in each cloud environment, having the possibility of moving data from one cloud to another, and still maintaining the continuity of operations. 

The main challenges and benefits of hybrid cloud 

In the same way that the displacement of workloads From one “side to the other” is considered one of the biggest advantages of the hybrid cloud, even functioning as a contingency method for outages, this can also become the biggest challenge of this model, since each server operates in a different way. 

To avoid this problem, a managed hybrid cloud environment is the solution, working as a management layer that allows all clouds to operate as if they were just one, with a single control space and unified language for the user. 

Additionally, hybrid cloud managed avoids rework and also mitigates a series of costs, since the teams are leaner and have standardized training, optimizing the time spent in the product development process, popularly known as time to market from the company. This keeps the company more competitive in the market. 

The output cost is also reduced to almost zero, as the management layer makes the entire operation transparent, functioning as an interpreter, in which a command serves both of the company's clouds and the simple act of exchanging data from one to the other another involves no costs and allows the most efficient resources of each server to be used. 

When is the ideal time to adopt a hybrid cloud strategy? 

That said, the hybrid cloud is commonly recommended for large and complex technological environments, as in these, the indirect and invisible costs are greater than the management layer to be inserted. 

In any case, the most appropriate way to identify the need for a hybrid cloud in a company is through the assessment which works as a mapping and assessment of the company's technological environment, determining the level of complexity of the systems and verifying the cost-benefit that the hybrid cloud strategy can provide to the organization. 


The Global AI Adoption Index 2022 survey points out that the global adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) grew steadily across the world. In Brazil alone, 41% of companies indicated that they have already actively implemented the technology in their businesses. Considering that the rise of AI impacts all types of technology, the hybrid cloud would be no different. 

In this sense, among the benefits that the market expects from optimizing hybrid cloud strategies is the creation and supervision of new clouds, in addition to the automation of tasks, from recommendations to the distribution of workloads and systems, all with the support of Artificial Intelligence. Thus, the union of concepts will be the key to the continuity and increased competitiveness of companies in the current market.

*Adriano Nepomuceno is Software & Cloud Sales Director at SoftwareOne, a leading global provider of end-to-end solutions for software and cloud technology.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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