
ABES informs that on June 14th we will have the training “General Data Protection Law: Introduction and Good Practices” and registrations are now open. The course is held online and live, allowing participants to interact and clarify their doubts in real time with experienced learning facilitators.

Thomaz Côrte Real, legal consultant at ABES, highlighted the relevance of this training. “Adequate understanding and implementation of the LGPD is essential for any organization that handles personal data. This training is an excellent opportunity to equip member companies with the knowledge necessary to comply with these regulations, minimizing exposure to legal risk and revitalizing internal procedures involving personal data.”

Each exclusive training for associate representatives and employees is conducted over 4 hours. The activity aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental aspects of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). Training experts will guide participants on how to align the company's operations with legal regulations and the guidelines of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD).

The training, offered free of charge by ABES, represents a valuable opportunity to strengthen data protection practices in associates. All participants who complete the training will receive a certificate of participation, adding value to their professional development.

SERVICE: Training on LGPD: Introduction and Good Practices

Date: June 14, 2024

Hour: from 8 am to 12 pm

Registration here

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