
The challenge of transforming software for cloud adoption

By Lauro de Lauro, marketing director and coordinator of the ABES Saas Committee The great challenge for software companies, founded in past decades, is to live with their extensive codes, processes and methodologies ...

Welcome to our connected future

By Antonio Eduardo Mendes da Silva (Pitanga), BSA's country manager in Brazil Since 2010, the number of devices connected to the internet has surpassed the number of people in the United States. Today, the North American has, on average, ...

What does the future hold for IoT?

By Antonio Carlos Brito, Senior Principal, Digital and Value Engineering at Infor in Brazil The growth in the adoption of technology will be continuous in the coming decades, but the security item still worries the ...

Can I sell my personal details?

By Francisco Camargo * With the European GDPR (General Regulation on Data Protection) and the new LGPD (General Data Protection Law, law 13.709) it became clear that my personal data belongs to me. According to ...

How software performance affects business success

  By Michael Allen, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for EMEA at Dynatrace Companies understand the importance of providing perfect customer journeys, but we are still seeing a growing wave of disruptions ...

How to finance sales to governments?

By Francisco Camargo * Selling to the government does not seem to be so difficult. If the product is good, the company's reputation is good and the prices are excellent, there do not seem to be any major obstacles ....

Foster innovation for Brazil to grow again

By Jamile Sabatini Marques, director of Innovation and Promotion at ABES Innovation generates competitiveness in the national and international market, creates new markets and generates new forms of consumption. Encouraging innovation ...

For a more modern industry

By Luiz Egreja, Senior Business Transformation Consultant at Dassault Systèmes We are living in a unique moment in our history, with the technological revolution as a fundamental transformation factor of ...

National Internet of Things Plan needs to get off the ground

By Werter Padilha, coordinator of the ABES IoT Committee According to McKinsey, the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to generate US$ 200 billion in Brazil, starting in 2025, contributing to the improvement in the competitiveness of the economy ...

Enhanced security: new problems, classic causes

By Roberto Gallo, coordinator of the Security and Cyber Risks Committee at ABES After almost 20 years working with cybersecurity and especially in cryptography, we notice a few things. The first...

Pros and cons of the new resolution on Telemedicine

By Antonio Carlos Endrigo, IT director of Associação Paulista de Medicina The newest resolution of the Federal Council of Medicine - 2,227 / 2018, which defines and disciplines Telemedicine as a way of providing ...

Digital revolution increases need for data security

By Andre Andriolli, CTO of VMware in Latin America In May 2018, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into force with the aim of protecting European citizens and guaranteeing their privacy. By holding companies accountable and ...

Do you know where your ERP Roadmap is taking you?

By Pat Phelan, VP of Market Research at Rimini Street Every corporate software customer wants to know their manufacturer's Roadmap: the plan for how products will evolve and how they can better support the company's business ....

Brazilian Artificial Intelligence in health

By Adrian Arnaud, partner at Neurotech, and Paulo Melo, co-founder of PickCells. Almost 70% of the types of cancers today are treatable. The cure depends, in these cases, on early diagnosis. Through...

What awaits IT in 2019?

By Julian Nakasone, Director of IT Solutions at Logicalis Exactly a year ago we made projections about what the main technological trends would be in 2018. At that time we lived in a climate of ...

LGPD: good for privacy, better for hackers

    By Francisco Camargo * In Brazil, we do not have a culture of analyzing the impact of government regulations broadly and in detail. What is happening is that the different Public Agencies generate norms, without analyzing all of them ...

Smart Cities: increasingly smart cities

  By Carlos Rodolfo Sandrini, urban planner and president of the European Center In smart cities, citizens and essential services are connected, they use clean energy, reuse water, treat waste, share products, services and spaces, if...

New character domain names: problem or solution?

By Paulo Milliet Roque, vice president of ABES, and Don Hollander, general secretary of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group Since 2010, the Domain Name System (DNS) has expanded dramatically, not only fostering ...

Reliability of data vs. brand reputation

Marisa Travaglin, Head of Marketing at Trend Micro in Brazil The digital transformation is here to stay and is impacting all the behavior of the individual in the 21st century when purchasing products and ...

Technology as an ally of specialty clinics

By Nactacha Chaves, product marketing analyst at Pixeon The biggest revolutions in health management are undoubtedly related to control, organization and, mainly, to ...

VAD's rush to avoid becoming the 4th Revolution Blockbuster

By Francisco Camargo * More than a fashion term, the digital transformation calls into question many precepts and consolidated players in the market. As nobody intends to be the Blockbuster of the time, the way is to run after ...

Plural women: we do!

Mara Maehara, CIO of TOTVS During my childhood, I decided that I would learn the tasks of a tire repairman to help my father and brother in our family's mechanic workshop. I washed my carburetor, changed my tires and was chosen by ...