
The meeting will take place on June 30, at 8:30 am, and will feature the participation of experts to discuss the prospects for this sector

ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies – will hold on June 30, at 8:30 am, the virtual meeting 'Marco Legal das Startups. How is the risk? The conversation will be moderated by Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES; and with the participation of Dr. Eduardo Felipe Matias, vice president of the OAB/SP Startups Commission, partner at NELM Advogados and co-author of the study Sharing Good Practices on Innovation; Dr. Juliana Natrielli Ribeiro, deputy director of ABES and head of public policy at Buser; and Dr. Manoel dos Santos, partner at MASantos, Côrte Real e Associados and legal director of ABES. Free entries can be made here and, if you are unable to follow the event that day, the video will be available on the association's Youtube channel as well.

The opening of the meeting will be carried out by the president of the ABES Board, Francisco Camargo. “The Legal Framework for Startups is a remarkable effort to improve the legal security of investors and foster innovation, which will shape the future of the economy”, says the executive.

According to Dr. Manoel dos Santos, approval of the Legal Framework for Startups is an important step for innovative entrepreneurship, especially for those working in the innovation and technology sector, and therefore, it is a relevant achievement for ABES and its Associates. "It is necessary to consider, however, that the Federal Government was very shy in relation to the expectations that the bill had created, especially when it intervened during the process, by eliminating the chapter dealing with stock options. If legislation becomes less bureaucratic and offers more incentives, these companies will play an important role in the recovery of the Brazilian economy. With the suppression of "stock options", the creation of a special regime for the hiring of innovation solutions by the public administration tends to reveal itself in the most important stimulus tool brought by the Legal Framework of Startups, enabling them to start selling to the State , gaining scale and competitiveness”, declares the lawyer.

“The Legal Framework for Startups brings important measures to foster innovative entrepreneurship in Brazil, providing greater protection to investors, simplifying the operation of corporations and facilitating the participation of innovative companies in public tenders. It is true that some tax and labor aspects that had been discussed, which could represent a significant boost to the activities of startups in Brazil, were left out of the new law and should now be the object of new projects. But, on balance, this is positive and its adoption is a step towards the recognition of startups as an important actor for the country's economic and social development”, says Dr. Eduardo Felipe Matias.

The event is part of the ABES agenda that aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all , in an inclusive and equitable way.

In addition, to help Startups, ABES has the Startup Intership Program, which, through partnerships with incubators, accelerators or investment funds, at no cost, aims to strengthen entrepreneurship and attract talent and investments to the technology sector. Brazilian. Lasting 6 months, the focus of the program is to help emerging companies, which use technology intensively and wish to operate or expand their activities in Brazil, to overcome the complexities present in the market, making more than 35 available to program participants. years of experience at ABES in the legal, regulatory, tax and marketing areas.

EVENT: Legal Framework for Startups. How is the risk?

Date: June 30th

Hour: 8:30 am



Francisco Camargo
Chairman of the Board of ABES
Founder and CEO of the CLM Group

Eduardo Felipe Matias
Partner at Nogueira, Elias, Laskowski e Matias Advogados
Vice-President of the OAB/SP Startups Commission

Juliana Natrielli Ribeiro
ABES Deputy Director
Fiscal Counselor at Caixa Econômica Federal

Manoel dos Santos
Partner at MASantos, Côrte Real e Associados
ABES Legal Director

Rodolfo Fücher
President of ABES

Moderation: Alan Leite
CEO at Startup Farm
Counselor at Bain & Company

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