
* By Cristina Bertolino

Technology is impacting the organizations' work model. An example is artificial intelligence (AI), allowing machines to learn from experiments, adjust to new data inputs and perform tasks like human beings. In this way, any business must become a technology company and any professional must adopt a digital 'mindset' for this transformation, understanding and embracing this new scenario.

A recent survey by PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) points out that one of the main concerns of CEOs is on the issue of technological advancement and understanding. For 75% of industry executives, the speed of disruptions caused by new technologies will have a significant impact on business. Three out of four CEOs say they are concerned about the speed of technological advances and their impact on the industry, and 72% sees the limited availability of skills as a threat to a company's growth.

And how can we follow this transformation with a new mentality? A company with a digital 'mindset' analyzes scenarios and seeks to develop new business models, with the support of technology, preparing itself for making complex decisions, bringing its client to the center. This company seeks solutions according to the customer's vision. Therefore, its professionals need to be prepared to understand how technology supports the solution of their consumers' problems.

This issue was even the subject of the World Economic Forum, highlighting that, in 2022, no less than 54% of all employees, managers and organizations will need a significant reform and professional qualification. This trend is likely to cause unrest within teams, especially with the reality of many companies that have four generations of employees, including Millennials, who are the new consumers and the new workforce in the companies. With information in the palm of their hand, they are very volatile, always needing frequent conversation about their careers, understanding and seeing their development in the company and being constantly challenged. They also need to be connected to the company's purpose to maintain themselves. And how to deal with all these issues?

I believe that leaders will be the key to guide this transformation process, incorporating a digital 'mindset' in organizations. For that, they need to follow some steps:

1- Acquire a digital mindset;

2- Expand your imagination to new opportunities and solutions, gradually developing new skills;

3 - Motivate your team to try new things;

4- Train your workforce: people need to be able to solve problems of greater complexity, leaving simple problems such as registration, to be solved by software. In this case, the human being will add value in decision making;

5- Investing in platforms: think about processes, not tasks, looking for smarter and more productive connections;

6- Relearning constantly: we need new skills to meet the challenge of humanizing technology.

In the face of these challenges, we cannot be discouraged or afraid of technology, learning to restructure, disorganize, innovate and change and, on the other hand, to know how to organize, structure, standardize and stabilize. We need to embrace and empower our leaders, who will be fundamental in this process of digital transformation. After all, all this change comes to help humans and not to dominate them.

* Cristina Bertolino is manager of DHO - Human and Organizational Development Department at Shift

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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