
ABES promoted, this Thursday (08/17), a webinar to encourage best practices aligned with the General Data Protection Law, discuss the guidelines established by the National Data Protection Authority and launch the exclusive material “Code of Conduct for Small Agents”. This event was a great opportunity to update yourself on the topic, ask questions from experts and learn more about how to ensure the protection of personal data in your company!

Were with us: Isabela Fernandes Pereira, Mattos Filho's technology lawyer; Thiago Luís Sombra, Technology partner at Mattos Filho; Daniella Caverni, Lawyer, specialist in Business and Contract Law, Leader of the ABES WG on Data Protection; Francisco Espuny
Specialist in Systems and in Privacy and Data Protection, Leader of the ABES WG on Data Protection; It is Thomaz Corte Real, Lawyer, specialist in Business, Tax and Data Protection Law, Legal Consultant at ABES.

ABES aims to contribute to social inclusion and the construction of a Digital and Less Unequal Brazil.

To download the “Code of Conduct for Small Agents”, visit:

To watch the webinar on YouTube, go to:


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