
More than half (57%) of consumer and retail executives who participated in a global survey conducted by KPMG said that their companies had seen improvements in profitability and performance as a result of digital transformation projects over the past two years. However, among those interviewed who did not notice this increase, it was related to the use of the software platform low code and in code (low and no code) with 43% of the responses and virtual and augmented realities, with 41%. This data is part of the study “KPMG Global Tech Report 2023: Consumer & Retail” carried out with 420 professionals in this market in 16 countries, including Brazil. 

Executives were also asked about the performance of technology investments when digital transformation initiatives were implemented in customer engagement and employee productivity. In both cases, expectations were exceeded, according to 23% and 58% of respondents, respectively.

“Increased employee productivity can offset any drop in output caused by high employee turnover rates in the sector; this can lead to faster responses to customer queries and eliminate friction in consumer experiences,” says Fernando Gambôa, lead partner for consumer and retail at KPMG in Brazil and South America.

On the other hand, the study warned that simply updating technological resources is not enough, but digital transformation planning based on company values is necessary, otherwise the result may not be satisfactory.

“Across the consumer and retail sectors, professionals have been dealing with increasingly complex, less integrated platforms and isolated, low-quality data. These issues pose extraordinary challenges for the various areas seeking a clearer vision for creating innovative solutions enabled by disruptive technologies,” explains Márcio Kanamaru, KPMG’s leading partner for technology, media and telecommunications in Brazil.

To read the full study, go to KPMG Global Tech Report 2023 – KPMG Brasil

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