
*By Max Camargo

There is an old saying that goes: If you don't change, nothing changes. It may seem obvious, but this is a valuable premise, which can be applied not only on a personal level, but also for the development of an organization, for example. In recent years, I could observe the constant search for “Digital Transformation” in companies from different segments and areas of activity. It is true that this movement was potentiated by the recent pandemic period that, in general, stimulated digital advances with greater speed than what was “programmed” by market experts.

Despite this “involuntary little push”, I observe that, in many companies, the digital transformation journey has not yet been implemented complementaryly, or at least not as it should. I read in a recent survey that around 45% of Brazilian companies were already implementing some digital transformation strategy, while 30% were still developing one.

It is important to bear in mind that, in this work, the strategy is the determining factor, which will help in the organization of the stages and will differentiate your company in the market, consequently, avoiding the experience of just “changing the tires of a moving car”.

We can compare an effective digital transformation strategy to an imploding building. Unlike the explosion, which happens suddenly and generates unmeasured impacts, the implosion will move the structures, with great impact, but in an agile and controlled way — that is, in a more organized way, with lower risks and calculated measurement of results.

Because it is something so strategic, the presence of leaders during its implementation is essential. And not only the leaders of areas related to technology, after all, each department has its importance in the implementation of digital transformation. In addition, one of the great tools in this journey is engagement, after all, without it, execution can be directly compromised.

A study by Gartner showed that company employees are, on average, 2.6 times more likely to have high digital dexterity if their leader sets the tone and models the behavior of the evolution of actions, however, only 17% of the organizations interviewed obtained leaders who did this work consistently. The data highlights the need to form strategic, conscious leaders that are increasingly aligned with the company's objectives, based on digitalization.

This is because the current world context demands that organizations develop an increasingly transformative leadership, with the ability to form high performance teams and extract from them the motivation to think differently and go beyond. And I say this with experience, after all, I have witnessed the very positive results of this investment in leadership at Solo Network, a company I have been a part of for over four years.

We recently launched a new Leadership Development Program for employees, with more than 50 hours of training, given by a specialized consultancy, for nine months. This is because we have worked to strengthen our company's organizational culture and invest in training our leaders, making them increasingly engaged and aligned with the company.

Dealing with setbacks, investing in leadership and engaging employees may not seem like an easy task, but it may be the point of disruption that will boost your results along the way. Go ahead, seek to engage your employees and allow everyone, together and aligned, to promote a true digital “implosion” in your company!

*Max Camargo, CEO of Solo Network

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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