
*By Alessandro Fernandes

It is where people and vehicles enter and leave daily, 24 hours a day, including residents and strangers to that community. Strangers who often go unnoticed, leading to solutions that keep things running.

We also have at the entrance, the sorting and delivery of orders, from the most urgent such as court notifications and medicines, to requests for food withdrawal via delivery, which now, during this pandemic, has more than tripled logistics.

There (at the entrance) we also have requests for help... the undisciplined resident who is throwing a party at 1 am... the other who keeps dragging tables and chairs while the downstairs neighbor is at home office, trying to keep his balance between bills to pay and your psychological.

Of all these certainties, in addition to many other activities that our faithful squires (doormen, so to speak) carry out on a daily basis, the most recent is that the world has embraced digital, in all spheres – and in a way, without turning back. Either we adapt, or we die… to paraphrase Charles Darwin.

Now, the concierge must go digital, today's residents need it and those of the future will demand it. It is no longer possible to use notebooks, notebooks, patched wires everywhere, countertop full of pizzeria ads, computer with pirated software and no antivirus, firewall and access control to websites. We need to lead our faithful squires to the world's new moment. We need to be examples, treating them with dignity and maturity.

#Maturity is the most important word at the moment.

In order to implement a digital culture at the entrance, or rather, to have a digital entrance, we need to face the 3 fundamental pillars of digital transformation. See: to ride a bike, you fundamentally need inflated tires, pedals and handlebars. The triad for the digital entrance: training + infrastructure + secure system.

First factor: training. Your doorman can no longer ignore the internet, keyboard and mouse. There are several courses in computer science, typing and safe internet browsing on the market. He will increasingly need to understand the security of the information he has access to, what not to access, and how to proceed to defend the personal and sensitive data of everything he has inside the condominium. Don't make the mistake of putting an infrastructure worth thousands of reais together with a state-of-the-art system, if your porters don't know how to drive. It's putting a Ferrari in the hand of a teenager without a CNH.

second factor: infrastructure. Okay, you've empowered your gatekeepers. Okay, you've invested in a state-of-the-art system that controls just about everything in your condo. But he was afraid to invest in the backbone where all the data will travel. That is, the pipes are crooked, they are narrow and old, they are made of third-rate plastic and were already cracked – so how will the water drain? The cabling infrastructure, servers, hardware and all its preventive and corrective maintenance are very sensitive to variations of all sorts, such as temperature, humidity, electrical oscillations, volume of data traffic and even small instabilities in the ground.

Third factor: system. Ok, you trained your gatekeepers and now you have the infrastructure in place to be able to speed up your bolide (gateway). Now, I imagine the next step is to “reduce costs”, correct? Or why not, a “free” system? Honestly speaking, you will “fight” for the best price between 3 budgets, because you imagine that the system is all the same. Sorry to say it doesn't work that way anymore.

Hiring a digital management and access control system is as complex as hiring a health plan – you will only know the size of the problem when you need to have a delicate surgery. If you only look at the price, you run the risk of installing a system made by entry-level programmers, who earn little and do not have the slightest commitment to code quality, maintenance and technical support. Or you choose to hire the most expensive system, believing that you will have the best of all worlds, and because the system is so complex, your people end up using 10% to 20% of all resources. Shot in the foot thinking like that. What works today is “optimizing investment”, crossing processes and deliveries, knowing that your system supplier will keep you up to date with the new demands that your condominium needs along with the changes in the world.

Real example of the dimension of the problem: in a condominium with 400 units, every time a visitor or service provider appears on the sidewalk, the doorman has to look for the unit in a notebook, call and receive authorization. The doorman wears out and this screening takes about 10 minutes. This 100x a day gives 16 hours of lost time. The resident, using a reliable application, eliminates more than half of this time for the doorman, who would consult the data of the units on a digital, agile and safe screen. Result: savings of 240 hours per month, totaling approximately R$ 12,000.00 per month in the condominium's cash register.

So what's the solution? The liquidator needs to be equipped with a vision of the future and #maturity, to start a digital transformation plan together with companies that specialize in this segment, through a path that follows the following script:

  • Internal commission for planning and monitoring the digital transformation, inviting proactive tenants who have experience in technology, communication and/or condominium law;
  • Definition of specialist suppliers who will work together with the internal committee, facing a digital 100% situation;
  • Investment in systems and electronic security so that, together with specialist companies, they develop projects in which data processing is a priority;
  • Consultancy for understanding the LGPD and the right to privacy and protection of personal and sensitive data of its internal and external customers, establishing clear rules on the collection, storage, treatment and sharing of this information;
  • Continuous education of condominium employees, as well as current and future residents.

After all, the concierge is the condominium's information center, the world is digital and dealing with so much information and unsafe conditions requires #maturity.

*Alessandro Fernandes, managing partner of ConectCon® – Intelligence Condominial

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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