
*By Gustavo Bastos

In recent months, a subject that has taken over everyone's everyday conversations and, in particular, the world of technology has been the boom of ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot powered by Open AI. What draws the most attention is the ability to generate texts with information in the requested tone and format, in a very plausible and believable way, as if an expert person in the most diverse subjects were responding. It is all “so true” that recently, Elon Musk and another thousand researchers, experts and executives in the technology sector released a letter criticizing the “uncontrolled race” for new applications and advancement of AI. Controversies aside, many companies have sought to understand the real possibilities that this application, and similar ones, can offer to the corporate world. 

First of all, it's important to understand the use of AI in the corporate world. Many companies have been adopting Artificial Intelligence tools in their daily lives for some time now, from customer service with other types of bots to the use of platforms capable of cross-referencing data and generating insights about the operation. However, with the evolution of technology, new paths open up, looking very promising and more sophisticated. 

At TOTVS, for example, our development teams have piloted the use of ChatGPT as backstage support for software development, with the aim of optimizing the execution time of some activities, such as automating code generation, writing scripts, code review, scenario simulation and code documentation generation. We are also doing experiments designed for the end user of the systems. More than asking the bot for answers, our idea is that the user can actually consume functionalities and contents in a more friendly way, with an assistant, co-pilot, personal guide or any other role that helps in the execution of tasks. 

Imagine a professional in the financial area of a company, when using the management system to issue invoices, saying: “Carolina (name of our virtual assistant here at TOTVS), issue the invoices for that month, for client A, according to the contract, considering the historical relationship assessment”, and the ERP module presents an interface with the list of invoices with all the information to be checked and released by the human. 

Yes! Our perspective is still that the decision-making process is a human prerogative and that technology is a means, a tool that leverages to make things easier, still requiring a level of caution especially with regard to issues that are not necessarily objective, such as biases and pre-trials. 

Quoting a phrase by Eliezer Yudkowsky, an American writer recognized for creating the term friendly artificial intelligence — friendly artificial intelligence (not in the colloquial sense of friendly, but in the perspective of being safe and useful): “By far the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too soon that they understand it.” 

Another possibility that we have been exploring is the use of AI tools with cognitive sentiment analysis services, evaluating, for example, the sentiment contained in the NPS (Net Promoter Score) and CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) survey responses, identifying whether it is negative. , positive or neutral, supporting data analysis, prioritizing responses, and identifying possible trends. The understanding of customer satisfaction becomes even more intelligent and takes the company to a more accurate level in decision-making. 

Marketing can also benefit from applying AI. Technologies similar to those applied by ChatGPT make it possible to analyze data and previous results of thousands of campaigns and thus identify valuable information for conversion, such as the best days and times to impact each type of audience. From the leads, it is even possible to establish an automatic ranking with the highest probability of purchase and estimated purchase value for each of these audiences. The potential to increase sales is huge. 

Technological innovations emerge, develop and may — or may not — change the pace of business. Although we still do not have full knowledge of how or at what speed, Artificial Intelligence is certainly one of those technologies that will continue to move and change the configuration and course of the market, with or without controversy involved, and preferably with everyone working so that this be another great advance in favor of the human race during this evolution.

*Gustavo Bastos, Vice President of Platforms at TOTVS

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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