
*By Magno Alves

Brazil ranks second in the ranking of maturity in digital government among 198 countries, second only to South Korea, according to a report released by the World Bank in 2022. Now, one of the Government's main strategies is to unify the sending of 09, social security and labor with the eSocial, a communication source created in 2014, whose expected date to come into force is from that month. 

As the country advances with digitization, many organizations are still reluctant to adapt, often due to insecurity and aversion to the new. However, the obligation to send eSocial labor process events has been accelerating the adequacy of companies, relying on technology as a facilitator for the business sector to comply with eSocial in an automated and secure way. 

A large part of the HR sectors of Brazilian companies have already adapted to the system when it comes to the transmission of events such as admissions and dismissals, and now it's the turn of the legal departments. Much of the information in events S2500 and S2501 is within the legal sector, so they need to adapt in order not to incur fines for failure or failure to send the eSocial. 

The Government's objective is for all information on labor processes held virtually by companies to be handled by eSocial as a way of unifying and streamlining the handling of data and documents within a single platform, in addition to increasing fraud surveillance. Before the system, only about 2% of the companies were inspected and now 100% of them will be, all virtually, integrated in a single base. 

On the side of organizations, eSocial arrives to facilitate the flow of information that must be passed on to the Government and inspection bodies, in order to ensure greater compliance with government requirements. 

In this way, with the support of platforms and technology modules, companies will not only be able to quickly prepare and send information related to eSocial, but also organize data and generate files to be transmitted to the Government platform. 

This is a breakthrough in integration and processes, which brings three main pillars to the market as major differentials: automation, management and security. In addition, it also contributes to reducing the collection and filling in of information manually, transmitting information about employees efficiently and reliably, optimizing the entire management of this process. 

Thus, technology combined with eSocial arrives to meet the current needs of the market, delivering security in the storage of information and legal efficiency in the processes.

*Magno Alves is the Legal BPO Manager at Benner Group, a company that provides information through software and processes with the aim of revolutionizing business.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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