
Board of Directors announces Francisco Saboya as CEO. The Board also elected the new Director of Operations, Marcelo Prim. New leaders take office on July 3

The Board of Directors of Embrapii (Brazilian Company for Research and Industrial Innovation) deliberated, this Friday (16), on the choice of economist Francisco Saboya to occupy the position of CEO of the organization, and of engineer Marcelo Prim as director of Operations. The changes occur at a time of broad growth at Embrapii, and when the institution approaches its 10th anniversary.

The choice of the new president was made through a selection process carried out by the Search Committee. Among the requirements set forth in the selection notice were the mandatory experience in R&D development in a business or academic technological area in partnership with industries, in addition to demonstrating leadership in their area of expertise. The result of the evaluation, which went through the analysis of resumes and interviews, was submitted to the Board of Directors. The name of Marcelo Prim was presented by the Committee to assume the Directorship of Operations on the same occasion.


Francisco Saboya is an economist and has a master's degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). He is a member of the Committee of Leaders of MEI – Mobilização Empresarial pela Inovação and was superintendent of Sebrae (PE). He also contributed to the foundation of the Porto Digital Technological Park, in Recife (PE), an institution he presided over for 11 years, and which is considered one of the most outstanding environments for innovative entrepreneurship in the country, focused on software development and creative industries. Before assuming the presidency of Embrapii, he headed Anprotec (National Association of Technological Parks and Innovation Areas).

Marcelo Fabrício Prim holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and a master's and doctorate from the Technological Institute in Aeronautics (ITA). He has 22 years of experience in the areas of technological development and business innovation management. Until he was selected for the board responsible for the Embrapii Units, Prim worked in the development of international strategic partnerships, representing the Senai Institutes Network in Europe, in partnership with the Fraunhofer IPK Institute.


Embrapii's new leaders should compose the Board of Directors for the next four years. The management will have the challenge of expanding and consolidating projects and new instruments to support innovation in the industry, at a time when the theme becomes central in the national strategy for the new industrialization, on sustainable bases.

The beginning of terms also coincides with important milestones for Embrapii. This year, the institution exceeded 2,000 industrial innovation projects signed. The number represents R$ 3 billion in resources contributed, including investments by Embrapii, Embrapii Units and the 1,426 supported companies. The initiatives resulted in 662 Intellectual Property requests.

The advances reflect the institution's growth trajectory, which gained capillarity by reaching a total of 96 accredited research centers throughout Brazil in a decade. In addition, it established partnerships and institutional agreements with bodies such as BNDES and Sebrae, among others, in addition to having signed international cooperation agreements. Currently, it has a management contract with the Ministries of Science, Technology and Innovation, Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Education and Health.

technological frontier

The board will also lead the implementation of another great novelty in Embrapii's portfolio, that of the new Embrapii Competence Center, aimed at researching frontier technologies. The model is unprecedented in Brazil and represents a major commitment by the institution to project the industry of the future.

The CCs will connect national companies to discussions, research and development of solutions in areas such as Intelligent and Connected Hardware Platforms, Quantum Technologies, Immersive Technologies Applied to Virtual Worlds, 5G and 6G Connectivity Technology and Infrastructures, Cybernetic Security, Open RAN ( Open Radio Access Networks) and Advanced Therapies in the Health area.

There will be, in total, nine Embrapii Competence Centers, which will begin their activities this semester. The proposal is to build great innovation hubs, so that they contribute to raising Brazil to the level of the great innovative nations.

Board composition

With the effective start of Francisco Saboya's activities, as of July 3, Igor Nazareth, who since January held the position of interim president, will resume the position of Director of Planning and Institutional Relations.

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