
Our next webinar will be about Folha Exemption for the Software and IT Services Sector and will feature the participation of experts and representatives from ABES, who have been closely following the debate process on this topic in Brasília (DF).

At this event, we will analyze the most recent decisions and repercussions related to payroll tax relief in the National Congress, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the position of the 17 sectors covered by the measure. It will be a very relevant opportunity for us to understand the current impacts of these changes in the software and IT services sector and the next steps. They will be with us:

Saul Tourinho Leal
Partner at TLDA Advocacia
Post-doctorate in Constitutional Law (Humboldt)

Fernanda Arbex Cecílio
Partner at fp Arbex Consultoria
Works in Government and Institutional Relations

Manuel Antonio dos Santos
ABES Legal Director
Partner at MASantos, Côrte Real Advogados

Jorge Sukarie
ABES advisor
President of Brasoftware

Paulo Milliet Roque
President of ABES

Inclusive event, with translation into pounds.

ABES aims to contribute to the construction of a Digital and Less Unequal Brazil. Join us!


Event: Tax Exemption for the Software and IT Services Sector: Assessment of the Current Scenario and Next Steps

Date: May 23, 2024

Hour: 8:30 am


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