
By Alexandre Moreno, director of services for the Electronic Market


The digital transformation is leading a new industrial revolution. More and more, we see technologies considered 4.0 opening up a new range of opportunities for companies. The use of big data, analytics, machine learning, business intelligence and cloud computing brings innovation to products and services, enables new business models, digitizes processes and solves old problems.
The change, however, is still progressing slowly. This is shown by the study by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) “Opportunities for Industry 4.0: aspects of demand and supply in Brazil”. The document cross-referenced data on productivity, exports and innovation rates from several Brazilian industrial sectors and compared them with the performance of the 30 largest economies in the world, which together represent 86% of world GDP.
The survey showed that 14 of the country's 24 industry sectors urgently need to adopt digitization strategies to become internationally competitive. Also according to the study, this effort towards technological advancement directly impacts business productivity.
While the industries try to evolve in this direction, the number of companies that promise to offer certain technologies to facilitate processes and deliver optimized results increases. Machine learning, for example, reduces the time needed to create accurate and reliable predictions. Despite the significant impact on the planning capacity of organizations and their resources, this goal is difficult to achieve because the speed and the degree of evolution depend on the adaptation of the company and each sector.
The fourth generation of acquisitions
In the procurement sector, technologies that previously seemed abstract are already adopted, albeit sparingly. With this, the era of Purchasing 4.0 was inaugurated, a period that combines strategy with technology to enhance corporate purchases and assert the maxim that each real saved in purchases represents a real profit.
The moment is decisive for many organizations: On the one hand, we see the industries that need to choose and implement new technologies. On the other hand, suppliers need to master modernization and adapt it for their customers.
Automation is essential, but the maturity of the area and good planning will make all the difference: in the search for competitiveness, investment in technology alone is no longer enough. Companies should keep in mind that qualified people in management ensure that technology is used in the best way so that employees are no longer engaged in routine tasks.
Finally, organizations must also consider how the digital approach changes, not just the way they work, but the acquisition value proposition for suppliers, customers and internal process partners.
Since the new scenario that is being outlined is a strong increase in process automation, including negotiations and professionals more focused on strategies, hiring services and external solutions will be increasingly important and challenging.
Disclaimer: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies.


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