
*By Otto Pohlmann

The year 2020 went down in history for reasons that were not at all splendid. However, the pandemic that plagued humanity brought with it weighty revolutions. In the technological scenario, for example, many companies have had to accelerate their steps towards digital transformation in order not to be left behind. Now, with the arrival of 5G in Brazil, the year 2022 promises to mark the era of hyperconnectivity and impact different areas, especially the ICT sector, which brings together both the IT and Telecom markets.  

The fifth generation of mobile internet goes far beyond ultra-speed for data exchange. Offers a more stable connection, is based on low latency (connection response time), allows for a greater number of devices connected per area, and should consume less power.   

Faced with this evolution of the network, the segments of devices and telecommunications infrastructure equipment will grow significantly. After all, this whole scenario favors the exponential popularization of services based on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence.  

5G technology officially arrived in Brazil in July, first in the city of Brasília and, according to Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency), by the end of September all capitals in the country will be able to rely on the fifth generation of the network.  

To get an idea of the impacts of this connection on Brazilian soil, the information and communication technology (ICT) sector is expected to grow by 8.2% in 2022. The projection is from IDC Brazil. Individually, IT will advance 10.6% and the Telecom area, 4%. The IT Enterprise market, made up exclusively of companies, is expected to grow by 8.9%. These are the highest growth expectations of the last eight years, even in the face of a moderate economic scenario in Latin America and the election period.   

Also according to the survey, the IT segment should be boosted by the devices, while Telecom will be leveraged by the advance of mobile data and expectations about the impacts of 5G. The increase in IT Enterprise will reflect the advancement of the cloud, together with the recovery of the IT services market and the good outlook for the software niche.   

In terms of financial transactions, the fifth generation of mobile internet should transact US$ 25.5 billion in Brazil by 2025, considering only the boost of technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data & analyticscloud, security, AR/VR, robotics and IoT.  

IDC also points out the main strategic initiatives that will drive IT spending in 2022: productivity and cost control, customer experience, new products and services, and attracting and retaining talent.   

In view of this, companies of all sizes that have not yet been preparing to incorporate new equipment and functionalities to the sector in which they operate, whatever it may be, must roll up their sleeves. After all, to make the most of all the advantages that 5G has to offer, it is essential to devise new strategies so as not to let opportunities slip away.   

Furthermore, all these transformations are invitations for organizations to rethink their priorities and open their eyes to the increasingly present future. That is, investing in technological solutions involving the ICT universe is no longer a differential, but a mandatory condition in an increasingly digital world.   

*Otto Pohlmann is CEO of Centric Solution, a technology company that provides end-to-end solutions to meet security and GDPR requirements, with a focus on implementation, training and support, in order to help sustain the development of businesses of all sizes and sectors

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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