
Publication, developed in partnership with UNESCO, presents recommendations for planning, elaborating, implementing studies and producing indicators

It is not new that digital technologies have been used to support the teaching and learning process. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when remote classes became essential to avoid interrupting the school year, the importance of this type of resource was even more evident. To understand the factors that influence equal opportunities for access and use of these tools by the school community, consistent and internationally comparable data are needed. In order to assist in the production of these indicators, the Regional Center for Studies for the Development of the Information Society ( of the Information and Coordination Center of Ponto BR ( and the UNESCO Statistics Institute (UIS) ) elaborated the Practical Guide for Implementing Research on the Use of ICT in Schools of Primary and Secondary Education . The publication, which already has a english edition , is now also available in Portuguese and Spanish.

The guide provides recommendations for planning, designing and implementing large-scale research, an effort to support robust data surveys on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education in developing countries. In addition to being locally relevant, this information will allow comparison with other locations and countries.

“Indicators are essential to support the formulation of public policies and decision-making. With quality information available, it is possible to diagnose scenarios, make comparisons, monitor the effectiveness of actions in the area, among other possibilities ”, highlights Alexandre Barbosa, manager of | He adds that the purpose of the publication is to serve as a useful reference for government agencies interested in measuring the use of ICT in schools, as well as for researchers and other actors interested in the topic.

For the Portuguese, Spanish and English versions of the Practical Guide for Implementing Research on the Use of ICT in Primary and Secondary Education Schools, access:

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