
With the migration, the Bank adopted a disaster recovery solution with the aim of ensuring the availability of its services and data even in adverse situations

The operation of banking systems is one of the most critical in the market and ensuring its uninterrupted functioning is fundamental. To further address this topic, as part of its innovation and environment modernization strategy, the Minas Gerais Development Bank (BDMG) continues to update its digital journey. After beginning the process of migrating its applications to the cloud, which began in 2020, the institution adopted, in 2023, a disaster recovery solution, which ensures the continuity of its operations and services, in the event of adversity. 

According to Herberth Nelson Balbi Silveira, Infrastructure Manager at BDMG, the decision to migrate its applications to the cloud was designed to support the creation of innovations in the offering of products and services, in addition to meeting customer and market demands. “When transferring our infrastructure to oc, we were looking for more flexibility in contracting storage, simplifying maintenance processes and expanding the possibilities of developing new financial products and services quickly and digitally native”, he comments. 

Another important point for the bank is to guarantee the efficiency of its operations and to have another element to support them in this objective, the strategy adopted was to use Azure Disaster Recovery in the zone replication model. This means that, if there is any unavailability in a datacenter zone, the data and services will continue to be available, as they will be automatically accessed by another zone. Thus, recovery is done immediately.  

Today, BDMG's main product is a website where the customer can carry out a simulation and contract their financing via digital 100%. “Any instability in the system leads to loss of revenue,” says Herbert. The strategy also aims to comply with a resolution established by the Central Bank that calls for the preparation and execution of recovery plans by financial institutions and other institutions authorized by the institution. The digital financing system has also been updated and now allows customers to carry out a credit simulation virtually, without the need to physically attend BDMG.

Other activities are also positively impacted by the use of the cloud, such as the work infrastructure of bank employees. “With our systems running in the cloud, our employees have more flexibility to work from different locations and access their information without the need for VPNs, as they can use Azure Virtual Desktop on their computers and access our systems securely. ”, completed Herbert. 

“The financial sector deals with many layers to offer services with quality and security. BDGM is exploring the many potentials of the cloud while protecting its operations with a disaster recovery strategy. We currently have two active Azure regions in Brazil, which allows us to offer capacity and infrastructure for our customers to protect themselves against unexpected interruptions”, explains Andrea Cerqueira, vice president of Corporate Sales for Customers and Startups at Microsoft Brazil. As the next steps of the partnership, the Bank is studying a pilot Artificial Intelligence project and the expansion of the virtual desktop, which is already used by at least 40% of outsourced employees. They are also testing, together with the Business Intelligence (BI) team, the implementation of a Data Analytics solution.

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