
* By Marcos Abellón

Who has never called a call center, informed all the necessary data for the start of the service and, when he started talking to the attendant, had to pass all the information again? If the delay in starting the conversation and a menu with endless options are already able to stress the customer, the repetition frustrates him even more. According to Gartner, 89% of companies expect to have customer experience as a differentiating factor from competitors - and service is critical to effective competition.

In the past, people chose which companies they did business with based on price, product or service offered, but today the overall experience is often the motivator. It is often said that it is cheaper to keep existing customers than to find new ones, so much so that it is estimated that the acquisition of new consumers costs up to 7 times more. And it's true: poor customer service is the main turnover factor. According to the Microsoft Global State of Multichannel Customer Service Report, at least 79% of Brazilian consumers have already given up on doing business with a company because of a bad experience in customer service.

No more listening or reading "you just lost a customer". One bad story is enough for the consumer to never do business with the company again. You can't let that happen! Prioritizing intelligent service helps to attract and retain loyal customers and can have a major impact on the company's financial results.

There is no magic formula for getting 100% out of 10 in NPS surveys, but two simple solutions can help improve the customer satisfaction rate. Especially those carried out by chatbots within your company's website or in messaging applications such as Messenger, WhatsApp and Telegram.

The new consumer profile is immediate and has no time to waste. So more and more people are switching from phone and email to online tools like chats. What happens is that many companies do not have the same level of excellence in this channel when comparing with the phone or email.

WhatsApp, for example, has little time to 'professionalize', since the Business version was only launched in 2018. Organizations have been 'leaps and bounds' adopting it, not having time to perfect the use for service.

What happens then? Cases like the one described in the opening of this article. And it is for them that the first technology is ideal. When an intelligent history query feature is added to the conversation, the process of re-entering all data and also the customer's question or request is in the past. Which makes it much more comfortable to continue the conversation!

Another issue that bothers a lot is being answered, whether by a chatbot or human, not having the issue resolved (no matter the reason) and having to return the contact. Did you know that this can be easily resolved? And the secret is to use the second technological tool, called transshipment.

She is able to easily transfer the service to someone who can resolve the request or even add more people to the conversation, such as a supervisor. This, in practice, translates into more ease and convenience for the customer and fewer complaints for your company.

As you saw the customer needs (and deserves) to receive the best service from your company. Why then frustrate your experience and make you give up on your organization if it is so simple to help maintain it?

* Marcos Abellón is the creator of AnnA, a platform that connects people to systems through WhatsApp, Telegram and Messenger. 

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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