
Innovation and the improvement of strategies, processes, equipment and technologies are vital for improving Brazil's competitiveness and for generating employment and income. Among the main paths for companies are the lines of financing and development offered by specialized public agencies, whether federal, state or municipal.

These are lines that undergo constant updates and, therefore, ABES and ABGI will launch the 3rd edition of the Guide to Foster Innovation for the ICT sector and bring together representatives from BNDES, FINEP and Embrapii to talk about trends and news in this area, which will take place on July 28, at 8:30 am, with free subscriptions. Event will have translation into Libras by Zoom.

Will be in this chat:

Igor Manhães Nazareth
Director of Planning and Institutional Relations at Embrapii

Newton Hamatsu
Finep's Superintendent of Innovation

Wellington Barros
Coordinator at the Department of Technology Intensive Industries at BNDES

Thiago Samarino
Innovation Manager at ABGI

Rodolfo Fücher
President of ABES

Marina Loures
Director of Innovation at ABGI Brasil

Moderation: Jamile Sabatini Marques
Director of Innovation and Development at ABES


Event: Fostering Innovation for the Competitiveness of Companies / Launch of the Fostering Innovation Guide

Date: 28/07

Hour: 8:30 am



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