
Brought together by the corporate nomenclature Indra Group and the motto 'Tech for The Future', brands seek to consolidate themselves as references for the defense and technology sectors

Indra announced its new brand identity during the company's General Shareholders' Meeting, held last week, at its headquarters in Madrid. With this change, the company intends to communicate to the market a new positioning, aligned with its global strategic plan, called 'Leading the Future' and focused on consolidating the Spanish group as a multinational reference for the defense, aerospace and advanced digital technologies markets.

As part of this transition movement, the company also adopted a new corporate brand, Indra Group. The objective is to cover the entire business ecosystem and companies controlled under the same institutional identity which, in the words by the president of Indra, Marc Murtra, “brings clarity and coherence to the company, strengthening the connection between brands and the promotion of the company's four fundamental fronts: defense, air traffic, space and information technology”.

This new strategy branding seeks to position the group at the forefront of the technological sector, inspired by the mission of promoting a safer and more connected future on a daily basis, represented by the motto 'Tech for the Future'. Still in this sense, the company stipulated its four main corporate values:

  • Innovation to promote a safer and more connected future, through cutting-edge technological solutions and a team of specialized professionals;
  • Trust to offer quality solutions and with the aim of building lasting relationships, based on solidity, commitment and reliability;
  • Connection to activate the power of collaboration, grouping ideas and solutions, in a way adapted to the client's needs;
  • Anticipation to transform experience and knowledge into solutions, anticipating the needs of the future, in order to make it safer and more connected.

Strengthening commercial brands

At a commercial level, the company's new identity seeks to strengthen its two main brands: Indra, a reference in the defense, air traffic and aerospace sectors, and Minsait, specialized in IT consultancy services and digital transformation.

With the motto 'Tech for the Future', Indra Group seeks to reaffirm the mission of preparing society for the future, through the technology provided by both brands. In particular, Indra focuses on the concept of trust, represented by slogan 'Tech for Trust', while Minsait, on the other hand, seeks to highlight its ability to make a difference and positively impact society, under the motto 'Tech for Impact🇧🇷

According José Vicente de los Mozos, CEO of Indra Group, this new identity “reaffirms the company’s long-term commitment to growth, innovation and excellence”. To achieve this, a symbol was created that unifies the brands, representing the link between technology (openness) and defense (protection). This is the link that unites all the group's professionals under the same visual umbrella, symbolizing a common vision.

The brand's new model also uses a precision graphic system that, through grids, nodes and lines characteristic of infographics and data visualization language, seeks to convey the feeling of order and, at the same time, refer to technology . This visual identity, combined with a new personalized typography, in capital letters, seeks to represent values such as solidity, avant-garde and timelessness.

The color blue, which predominates in the identities of Indra and the Indra Group, was chosen to convey notions of confidence, depth and vitality. The purple color adopted by Minsait seeks to lead the public to its own and authentic universe, focused on growth and leadership in the sector of advanced digital technologies.

This new visual scheme will contribute not only to making the brands differentiated and relevant in the market, but also to boosting the feeling of belonging and pride among employees and bringing clarity to the group's target audience.

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