
The technology scenario in Brazil gains new strength with the launch of EmbarcaTech, a program that offers professional training in Embedded Systems technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) applications in critical areas such as Education, Security, Industry and Health.

The area of embedded systems – programs written to run on specific hardware – offers a vast field of opportunities for technology professionals, both in Brazil and abroad. They are the backbone of many devices and applications we use every day, from smart home appliances to complex automotive systems and medical equipment. With the increasing adoption of innovative technologies, the demand for embedded systems specialists is growing exponentially, opening up a vast field of employability opportunities.

An initiative of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) coordinated by Softex, EmbarcaTech will be carried out by six institutions accredited by the Information Technology Area Committee (CATI) in order to provide scope and quality in the training offered. They are: Federal Institute of Ceará (IFCE), Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Federal Institute of Piauí (IFPI), Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA), Center of Excellence in Research and Development and Innovation (CEPEDI) and HWBr (Hardware Brasil).

The program aims to train and provide a technological residency for 600 students in ICT and related areas, enabling them to apply the knowledge acquired in real situations, solving challenges and developing technological innovations; and encourage the development of projects using IoT technologies.

“With EmbarcaTech we are investing in the future of technology in Brazil, providing solid and practical training that will benefit not only the participants, but the entire technology industry in the country. The decentralization of course offerings from the traditional South-Southeast axis to the North-Northeast and Central-West is crucial to promoting digital inclusion and economic development in all regions of Brazil, democratizing access to technological opportunities”, highlights Luciana Santos, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Training and Technological Residency – The program is divided into two main phases: initial training and a technological residency. The first phase consists of intensive training lasting three months (160 hours), offered through a Distance Learning (EaD) platform for six thousand students. The program content includes an in-depth look at embedded systems, applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) and case studies in sectors such as agriculture, industry, smart cities and logistics. Students who successfully complete this phase will receive a certificate of completion, validating their qualification.

The second phase is a technological residency with a total workload of 240 hours that extends over twelve months, aimed at the 600 students with the best performance in the initial training. During this period, those selected will have the support of a scholarship and will carry out the practical application of the knowledge acquired in real demands from partner companies, developing projects and analyzing case studies with a special focus on IoT.

“EmbarcaTech appears to meet a repressed demand in the job market in technology and engineering, as well as to accelerate the country's technological advancement through the creation of innovative and sustainable solutions for contemporary challenges”, highlights Diônes Lima, vice-president executive at Softex.

The 6,000 initial training places will be divided equally among the six participating institutions. In this way, the program ensures an equitable distribution of opportunities, ensuring that students from different regions can benefit. To participate in EmbarcaTech, interested parties must meet the requirements announced by each executing institution in the coming months. All details about the registration process will be released soon.

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