
*By Magno Alves

Since the implementation of eSocial in 2018, Brazilian companies have undergone a significant transformation in the way they communicate data about employment relationships and social security contributions to the federal government. The mandatory nature of this transmission brought major challenges to the Legal and HR sectors, which had to adapt to the new requirements. However, since October 2023, a new challenge has emerged: the mandatory inclusion of information relating to labor processes on the platform. This once again required corporations to adapt. The objective of this change is to unify the sending of labor, social security and tax information to public bodies.

Within this new scenario, companies now also need to transmit a series of information to eSocial, with a focus on simplifying monitoring and inspection of legal obligations in order to ensure greater transparency and control over work relationships. And no one can be left out: transmission is mandatory for all companies that qualify for the eSocial events of labor processes, regardless of size or taxation regime, subject to penalties in case of non-compliance.

Its consequences

Non-compliance with established requirements can have serious consequences for companies. Firstly, there is a direct financial impact: fines that can reach up to 20% of reported contributions, accumulated month by month. Furthermore, failure to obtain a Debt Clearance Certificate (CND) may prevent participation in tenders and compromise contracts with other organizations that require their suppliers to be free of tax issues.

The company's reputation can be seriously compromised by the lack of control over obligations labor  and social security, transmitting an image of disorganization and irresponsibility both to the market and internally. As a consequence, this perception of fragility in management can lead to a serious loss of credibility.

The role of technology

Fortunately, today there are technologies capable of dealing with the complexities of eSocial, such as modules integrated into legal systems that allow the automation of work and the management of event transmissions in a single place. These tools eliminate the need for manual processes, such as using Excel spreadsheets, which are laborious and prone to errors.

By using these solutions, companies are able to centralize all necessary information on a single platform. Data such as process number, information about payments, calculations, approvals and deadlines are registered in the system, which automatically generates the files necessary for transmission. This process ensures greater precision and control, significantly reducing the risk of errors and delays.

For companies that choose not to manage this activity internally, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services emerge as an effective solution. Combining advanced technology, processes, people and specialized expertise, these services take care of all necessary analyzes and transmissions. They offer a complete solution, ranging from data collection to transmission and generation of receipts, ensuring transparency and security for corporations.

In this sense, solutions are also being developed that automate the analysis of processes using Artificial Intelligence (AI), improving the transmission of eSocial events in labor processes. AI will be used to analyze judicial decisions and calculations, automatically extracting the necessary information and populating the legal system with greater speed and precision. This technology promises to significantly reduce the time and resources needed to fulfill obligations, in addition to minimizing the margin for human error.

Changes in eSocial continue to be a significant challenge for companies, especially those with a large volume of employees and labor processes. Non-compliance can result in financial losses and impact corporate reputation. However, with the support of technology, it is possible to manage these obligations efficiently and accurately, allowing companies to focus on their core activities while complying with all legal requirements.

In an increasingly dynamic business scenario, investing in technology has become essential to maintain competitiveness. In this way, the integration of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies in eSocial management represents a significant advance, providing greater efficiency and security for companies.

*Magno Alves is Director of the Legal Business Unit at Benner Group, a company that offers business management software and technology services to revolutionize and simplify business.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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