
Partnership with Veritas and Microsoft creates an environment for storing and managing images from cameras installed by Corredor Dom Pedro in SP 

Responsible for the Dom Pedro Corridor since April 2009, Concessionária Rota das Bandeiras SA signed a concession contract with the Government of the State of São Paulo whose validity is 30 years. Located at a strategic point for the flow of national production and ensuring the connection between the Paraíba Valley, the Campinas Metropolitan Region (RMC) and the Fruit Circuit, the system encompasses 17 cities (Artur Nogueira, Atibaia, Bom Jesus dos Perdões , Campinas, Conchal, Cosmópolis, Engenheiro Coelho, Igaratá, Itatiba, Jacareí, Jarinu, Jundiaí, Louveira, Mogi Guaçu, Nazaré Paulista, Paulínia and Valinhos), benefiting a population of more than 2.5 million residents. 

To manage the 297 km of highways under its management, Rota das Bandeiras needs to meet a series of requirements contained in the contract and which are supervised and regulated by the Regulatory Agency for Delegated Public Transport Services of the State of São Paulo (Artesp). One of Rota das Bandeiras' obligations is to guarantee real-time monitoring of everything that happens on the stretches under its responsibility and, to this end, it has 91 cameras positioned at strategic points, including on scales for weighing heavy vehicles, such as trucks and trailers. Another standard is the storage of captured images for five years in your system, which must always be available for consultation and checking.  

With the support of Brasoftware, one of the largest technology and innovation providers on the market, Rota das Bandeiras began storing and recovering data through the Veritas Backup Exec solution, which guarantees the storage of critical data within the required protocols . “As our data management needs increased, Brasoftware provided us with all the necessary support, providing confidence and long-term cost savings,” explains Monalisa Ambrosin, IT supervisor at Rota das Bandeiras. 

Another requirement that began to be met with the support of Brasoftware was the storage of all information in the cloud with Azure, with levels of security and availability that meet regulations, as well as accurate management of data and captured images. Therefore, Brasoftware presented a project to Rota das Bandeiras based on scalability, security and restoration time, bringing a partnership with Veritas and Microsoft. The cloud solution chosen was Microsoft Azure, which offers access, management and development of applications and services through global data centers and has 100% compatibility with Veritas Solutions. In total, around 12 Tb of previously recorded images were migrated to the cloud in record time and the new environment continues to store data and images within security and governance standards beyond those required by Artesp. 

“The new Azure environment brought us scale based on our storage needs, as well as accurate data management that means we are more productive and can also act proactively in managing the highway and our environments”, adds Monalisa .

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