
Association was an ambassador for the Brazilian edition of the IOT Solutions World Congress, and published the book Technology and Innovation: public policies and regulatory aspects of the sector, in addition to focusing on its institutional presentation of the 

ABES was present at the first edition of the IOT Solutions Congress Brazil, which took place on June 6th and 7th, 2024, at the Transamérica Expo Center, in São Paulo (SP). This is the Brazilian version of the IOT Solutions World Congress, an annual international meeting for industry leaders, technology experts and C-level professionals, which originates in Spain.

ABES participated as an ambassador for the event, which is promoted by the iCities Smart Cities Hub group, with two institutional stands. On the occasion, he highlighted the publication of the book Technology and Innovation: public policies and regulatory aspects of the sector, a collection of articles from the ABES Think Tank – an initiative conducted in partnership with the Institute of Advanced Studies at USP – which were written by researchers, executives and teachers who reflect on different topics, aiming to build a More Digital and Less Unequal Brazil. To excite the participating public, the association promoted a raffle of kits, with support from the congress organization.

For Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation and Promotion at ABES and leader of the Think Tank, the Association's participation in the IOT Solutions Congress Brasil demonstrates ABES's commitment to building a More Digital and Less Unequal Brazil. “Participation in the IOT Solutions Congress Brasil is aligned with our strategic objectives, such as, for example, driving innovation through collaboration. Being at this event adds more experiences to unite companies, research institutions, governments and civil society to develop and adopt technological solutions that promote economic and social progress”, highlights Jamile.

The IOT Solutions Congress Brasil focused on solutions and innovations in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), presenting a variety of themes and exploring the business potential of IoT in the Brazilian context. The organization of the event estimates that around five thousand visitors from 20 countries visited, more than 50 exhibitors and approximately 40 speakers, covering topics such as IoT in everyday life, artificial intelligence, connectivity and innovation in industry 4.0.

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