
*By Gustavo Bernardi and Denny Thame

THE Brazilian industrial policy emerges as a decisive milestone for the country's development, aligning ambitious strategies to drive new industrialization. At the epicenter of this transformation is the ability to integrate green technology into the agricultural sector, promoting not only productive advances, but also a sustainable and innovative approach to the Brazilian countryside. 

The policy proposed by the National Industrial Development Council (CNDI) highlights crucial missions, including the strengthening of agro-industrial chains. Under this premise, the food and nutritional security of the Brazilian population is enhanced by the increase to 70% of mechanized family farming establishments, which today are only 18%. Another important goal is to have 95% of agricultural machinery produced nationally is a decisive step towards technological autonomy, reducing external dependencies and encouraging local innovation. 

The resources are significant, totaling R$ 300 billion by 2026, managed by institutions such as BNDES, Finep and Embrapii, and represent the robust financial basis to drive this transformation. Within the scope of the More Production Plan, specific axes, such as “More Innovation and Digitalization” and “More Green”, outline strategies to finance research, development and innovation projects, as well as sustainable initiatives in the industry. 

The More Innovation Program, operated by BNDES and Finep, is already underway with a total investment of R$ 60 billion, highlighted by the lowest interest level ever applied to financing innovation in the country. The R$ 20 billion earmarked for non-refundable resources, launched through 11 public calls, signals a commitment to sharing the costs and risks associated with research, development and innovation activities with companies.

The integration of green technology into the Brazilian countryside is emphasized by industrial policy, promoting the development of equipment for precision agriculture, state-of-the-art agricultural machinery and optimization of the productive capacity of family farming. The search for 70% mechanization of family farming establishments represents a significant advance, increasing operational efficiency and reducing dependence on traditional practices. 

The initiative not only modernizes the sector, but also aims to make it more sustainable. With the use of non-reimbursable resources, the government shares the costs and risks inherent to research, development and innovation activities with companies, encouraging the adoption of more ecological and efficient practices. 

The connection between the New Industry Brazil and agricultural technological advancement is further strengthened by stimulating innovation in industry 4.0, in the development of digital products and in the national production of semiconductors. These technologies not only boost production efficiency, but also open doors to precision agriculture, promoting environmental sustainability and efficient use of resources. 

Furthermore, the emphasis on ecological transformation in the industry, with priority given to the production of bioenergy and equipment for generating renewable energy, reflects the commitment to the transition to more sustainable practices. 

In summary, the New Industry Brazil not only represents a comprehensive vision for national development, but also signals a paradigmatic change in the interaction between industry and green technology in the field. By driving innovation, sustainability and efficiency in the agricultural sector, Brazil is preparing the ground for a new era of technological and industrial development, aligned with the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

*Gustavo Bernardi is graduating in Agricultural Engineering from ESALQ/USP. Denny Thame is a fellow of Think Tank AbesThe opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Association.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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